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Calvário de São Vicente da Chã

  • heritage

São Vicente da Chã
5470-071, Montalegre


Set of several stone crosses.

Nossa Senhora do Templo

  • heritage

5470-250, Montalegre


Chegas de Bois

  • heritage

Largo da Lama do Moinho
5470-225, Montalegre


Monument representing the arrival of bois, one of the most well-known traditions of this municipality.

Mamoas da Veiga

  • heritage

5470-173, Montalegre


Set of five funerary structures par excellence, erected during the megalithism of the current Portuguese territory Northwest. The tumulus No. 1 is clearly visible in the landscape, on the left side of the road that connects the Montalegre Meixedo, beside an agricultural warehouse. Presents a "tumuli" high, with approximately 2\/3 meters, where they are clearly visible at least two mainstays. There are visible remains of lytic Cuirass, showing a large central depression. The tumulus # 2 is barely visible in the landscape, finding about 500 meters east of the tumulus to paragraph 1. Presents approximately 18.5 meters in maximum diameter, …

Castelo de São Romão (Vestígios)

  • heritage

5470-527, Montalegre


At the foot of the Serra do Larouco, among o Corgo o Corgo and do Fojo of the Goatherd, 1090 ft maximum altitude is a rugged Hill that was once a fortified settlement of pre-Roman times. For the whole lot are visible remnants of alignments of structures, with higher incidence on the upper deck, where you will find the highest concentration of ceramic materials. There are also remains of walls. Of North and Northwest defence was natural. Iron age fortified settlement, taking into account the ceramic booty found.

Castro de Outeiro

  • heritage

5470-332, Outeiro


Castro strategically deployed on the right bank of the river Cávado, at the southern end of the plateau of Mourela, overlooking the Hill Bridge. Location of broad visibility to the West, on the serra do Gerês. This fortified village extends for about five acres, having a defensive system composed of three surrounding walls and a deep and broad moat on the East side. Inside, there are large artificial platforms supported by thick support walls, where if they have traces of plant construction circular. In the years 90 still worked the land that make up the castro, currently the walls of …

Castro de Pedrário

  • heritage

5470-464, Montalegre


The castro of Pedrário is situated on a prominent elevation that dominates a large area north to the foothills of the Larouco. Covers even part of the Valley of the river which flows to the North, Assureira since Solveira the Vilar de Perdizes. It stands at an altitude of about 1,000 meters, with an area of about 300 square meters and is located in the vicinity of the place of Pedrário, who gave him the name. Built during the iron age, the settlement was masterminded by a complex system of fortifications, particularly by two lines of wall, about 2\/3 meters …

Castro de Solveira

  • heritage

5470, Montalegre


Traces of a fortified village, located a short fortified amplitude, on a promontory over the river Assureira. On the north side, over the River, as well as on the upper deck, the traces of settlement are more obvious and consist of the alignment of a thick wall and the accumulation of stones from the collapse of structures. Not been identified ceramic or other booty consistent with human occupation of the site in prehistory.

Lagares Rupestres de Santa Marinha

  • heritage

Vilar de perdizes
5470, Vilar de perdizes


Traces of rock Mills, located in place of Santa Marinha. The mills are cave dug into the rock structures consisting of a sink for pisa (or calcatorium), outflow channels of liquids extracted from pisa and, in some cases, the pious (or lacus) and post holes that withstood the structure for pressing (or stipites). Had grape processing function, i.e. the production of wine.

Aldeia Velha do Juriz (Vestígios)

  • heritage

5470-370, Pitões


About 1000 meters southwest of the village of Pitões das Júnias and camouflaged by a dense oak is the town abandoned of Gerez. Traces remain of about 40 houses of quadrangular, built with granite blocks, some crudely equipped. The streets between the houses are also well preserved, and still retain the lajeado. The spacing between the houses is about 3\/4 feet, some retain just over a metre of wall, but you can imagine, without great efforts the architecture of this village. The Oaks are invading gradually the interior of each House, giving this place a rare beauty. Is the Medieval …

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