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Capela de Santo António

  • heritage

5470-527, Montalegre


Santo António was the Lawyer of the animals. Associated with and this chapel there is a peculiar tradition. On the feast day of Saint Anthony, the population of all the parishes would bring to the Chapel its animals (cows, goats, sheep and pigs) to be free of diseases. This ritual was the name "Novena of cattle".

Igreja de Paradela do Rio

  • heritage

Rua da Barragem
5470-362, Montalegre


Is a relatively new Church, dating from the 18th century. Before the Church was a Chapel of St. John of the Tip, which was the parish. In the 17th century, due to population growth, the parish became Paradela from the river. The village of Tip is much older than the village of Paradela from the River, one of the oldest documents that it references is the testament of San Rosendo, dating from the 10th century has the name of St. John's Church, although the only Saint John that existed at the time was at the tip.

Igreja de Vila da Ponte

  • heritage

Rua de Santa Maria Madalena
5470-543, Montalegre


Before the Church was the Church of Santa Marinha Chaplaincy. The patron saint of the village is St. Mary Magdalene bridge. Initially the Church was smaller, having been added multiple times due to population increase. The last change was made in 1710. Abroad we can find a foot that served to support the person who pulled the gramalheira, to ring the Bell. This foot was located next to the front door, where you can still check the wear and tear caused by gramalheira. Currently was placed elsewhere, since it is no longer used, since it was built in 1950, a …

Igreja Matriz de Vilar de Perdizes

  • heritage

Rua da Lage
5470, Montalegre


Também conhecida como Igreja de São Miguel, esta igreja é de construção prévia ao século XI. Associada ao conhecido Padre Lourenço Fontes, encerra alguns segredos no seu interior, como um alçapão onde se esconde uma estela em pedra representando o que se pensa ser o deus Larouco.

Mamoa 4 de Fraga da Moura

  • heritage

EM513 - Fraga da Moura
5470-490, Tourém


Tumulus barely visible in the landscape, located a few meters from the road which connects Pitons to Tourém, belonging to the Megalithic Necropolis of the Mourela plateau. Presents some 12 meters in maximum diameter, a central depression accentuated and a "tumulus" almost shallow, traces of dolmen, including what appears to be a mainstay.

Mamoa 3 de Fraga da Moura

  • heritage

Fraga da Moura
5470-490, Tourém


Tumulus barely visible in the landscape, located a few meters from the road which connects Pitons to Tourém, belonging to the Megalithic Necropolis of the Mourela plateau. Features about 13\/14 metres maximum diameter, a central depression marked a "tumulus" down on Earth, not being visible traces of dolmen.

Mamoa de Chã de Crestelo

  • heritage

EM513 - Crestelo
5470-490, Tourém


Barely visible megalithic monument in the landscape, in the Megalithic Necropolis of the plateau of Mourela and located about ten meters from the road which connects Pitons to Tourém. Features about nine meters in diameter, with a "tumulus" almost shallow and a central Depression bit accentuated. Identify traces of dolmen, notably a mainstay, not being visible remnants of armor. It lies approximately 10 metres of paved road which connects Pitons to Tourém.

Mamoa 2 de Chã de Casteleira

  • heritage

Chã de Casteleira
5470-480, Solveira


Megalithic monument clearly visible in the landscape, located just a few meters from the county road that connects Montalegre to keys, near the village of Solveira. Features six meters in diameter, with two mainstays to comes up to the surface and a harness very clear lytic.

Mamoa 2 de Castro

  • heritage

5470-480, Solveira


Reasonably visible megalithic monument in the landscape, located about 100 metres from the castro de Serraquinhos. Not very sharp central depression, although they identify what appear to have been mainstays. Has about 13 meters in diameter, plated quartz stone remains.

Mamoa 2 de Fraga da Moura

  • heritage

Fraga da Moura
5470-490, Tourém


Tumulus quite visible in the landscape, located a few meters from the road which connects Pitons to Tourém, belonging to the Megalithic Necropolis of the Mourela plateau. Features 18 meters in diameter maximum, a very sharp central depression, where you identify a few tumbled stones, but only one seems to be a mainstay. It is the largest tumulus of all the four tumuli of Fraga da Moura.

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