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Forja do Vilarelho

  • heritage

Rua da Ponte de Pedra
5470-228, Montalegre


Located in the neighborhood of portela, this forge has about 70 years and is a good place to learn about the tradition of the region. Belonging to a family's flagship in the transformation of iron, even today it is possible to visit it (being active) and take a piece of memory. Here you can see the transformation of iron, since it is heated in the furnace until it hit the pestle, a large plunger activated by a pedal. In the end, if it's a small part, the mould is done on the anvil, and finally the piece sauced and cooled …

Capela de Nossa Senhora das Neves

  • heritage

Avenida Central
5470-459, Montalegre


16TH century chapel situated in the village of Vilar de Perdizes. This building features decorative features of great prominence, framing a common architecture type. However, in its interior, the images portrayed in frescos are an admirable detail, and develop from a central panel with image of the Eternal Priest. In the remaining panels are the Miracle of our Lady of the snow, with the founding of the Church of St. Mary wellness facilities, in Rome. This example is located in one of the streets that crosses the village, where would one of the pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela. An …

Povoado do Pedregal

  • heritage

5470-053, Cervos


It is believed that this place existed a small Roman settlement, which could be associated with Via XVII. It is located north of the village of Tenement, along the access path to the Lady of the Galicians, in a Valley cultivated. On the grounds of the East side of the road were found traces of Roman construction ceramic, ceramic domestic remains and a stone well equipped. A local inhabitant retains in his possession two millstones sleepers and a moving, found when the land goblets.

Sepulturas Antropomórficas de Leira dos Padrões

  • heritage

5470-069, Penedones


Set of anthropomorphic graves excavated in a granite outcrop, located near agricultural land south of the chapel of St. Alexius. The area of the head and shoulders well laid out and the funnel to the feet. Most of the graves, fourteen of the fifteen found, lies in high State of erosion. It is an isolated necropolis, where only one of the graves is whole and without cover, also with prominent shoulders curve, the arched headboard and the feet are not protruding. In the surrounding area to the graves can be found numerous potsherds of Roman construction. Next to the graves …

Povoado do Alto da Carvalha

  • heritage

5470-072, Chã


Ancient Roman settlement located east of the village of Chã, on the left bank of the road linking the village of Torgueda, on a plateau called Carvalha. Here are several ceramic materials of Roman chronology. Could be a town, located in the landscape, with the Rabagão relatively close and with other water lines. Near this location was the Via romana, near the 17TH which were found also some traces, notably a ara and an inscription to Jupiter.

Povoado de Leiras dos Padrões

  • heritage

5470-069, Penedones


Traces of an ancient Roman town, located between Penedones and Parafita, in dam surrounds. Here abundant ceramic fragments were found of Roman chronology, spread over a vast area, which involves a set of anthropomorphic graves near agricultural land. Near this location was the 17TH Via Romana, which connected Bracara Augusta (Braga) to Asturica Augusta (Astorga) through Aquae Flaviae (Keys). Some scholars believe might be a "mansio", an important station of the "cursus publicus", hostel for daily stop, marking the end of one stage and the place of overnight stay.

Castro de Medeiros/ Cabeço dos Mouros

  • heritage

5470-067, Chã


The castro de Medeiros, also called Cabeço dos Mouros, is located between monte da Corujeira and Christian Carambos and is about 3 kilometres from the Centre of the village of Montalegre. Is a town surrounded by two rows of walls and a deep moat. The outer wall is visible from the South and west sides, about 2 metres wide, whose interior is filled with Earth and stone girl. At some points in the vast mountains, forks where are still visible some tears. On the West side there is a jumble of stone, from the collapse of the wall. On the …

Mamoa de Tojais

  • heritage

5470-057, Cervos


About 100 yards West of the Via Romana, in the Pindus, near a bifurcation of paths and already in private land is what remains of megalithic monument. It is not possible to determine its dimensions, since it was nearly destroyed by agricultural work. However, retains a mainstay stuck about 0.90 metres high and 0.67 meters wide, which was later reused as a divisive landmark properties. On one side they seem to bring out two crosses recorded. A property wall, about 50 meters, lies what appears to be another mainstay, decorated with a Sun motif. Nearby this monument there's record of …

Castro de Frades

  • heritage

Cambeses do Rio
5470-041, Cambeses do Rio


Fortified village located in a small shed at the bottom of the East mound of monte da Croa stump. It is a rugged spur where noticeable faint traces of a line of walls and a deep moat from the West side, currently used as a path. Inside are ceramic fragments of Roman chronology and indigenous. It is believed that was associated with the Castro of Croa stump, being possibly later and occupation also in the Roman era.

Cividade de Frades

  • heritage

5470-042, Cambeses do Rio


Traces of a Roman settlement located at the bottom of the shed Southeast of Castro de Frades, in agricultural land. When ploughing the fields, appeared in this space remains of "tegullae" and common Roman pottery, booty common to settlements from the Roman era. It is believed that this town is later than to castro.

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