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Outdoor activities in Povoação

Trilho do Lombo Gordo (PR13)

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Lomba das Fagundas
9650, Terra Chã


This route starts in the back Fat and ends in Água Retorta, having a length of about four kilometres and a duration of an hour. The route will pass through pastures, a thicket of cater and incense and a traditional grinding running two days a week.

Trilho Pico da Água Retorta (PR14)

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Lomba das Fagundas
9650, Terra Chã


This route starts at the Church of Água Retorta and ends at Faial da Terra, with an approximate duration of two hours and a length of about 6.2 miles. Along the way you can get magnificent panoramic views over the Água Retorta, Pico Bartolomeu and Pico da Vara.

Trilho Pedestre Faial da Terra - Salto do Prego (PRC9)

  • country

Rua do Burguete
9650, Outeiro


This trail begins and ends at Faial da Terra, traveling about five kilometres. The path starts along the shore, with hot water all year round, and then to the waterfall nail heel, the Place of the Sanguine and, finally, the return to Faial da Terra.

Quinta D'Água

  • heritage

Lagoa das Furnas
9675-090, Furnas


On this site you will have at your disposal a wide range of fun activities, such as boating on the pond, horseback riding, horse carriages and bicycles.

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