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Monuments in Fundão

Antiga Igreja de Janeiro de Cima

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja, 1
6185-103, Orvalho


Lagariça / Lagareta em Castelo Novo

  • heritage

Azinhaga da Lagariça
6230-160, Fundão


This winery has a Roman, or Visigoth or Arab construction and it was possible built on the VII or VIII centuries. It is composed by two trough dug on the rock and another rectangular with smaller dimensions, acceded through stairs.

Casa da Família Falcão / Solar de D. Silvestre / Solar do Visconde de Trancoso / Solar da Duquesa de Pozem

  • heritage

Rua da Misericórdia
6230-160, Fundão


Mannerist rectangular plant Solar, matching the interior space with the exterior, and with coverage in roof of four waters. Was built on a former building in 1616 by Silvestre Francisco Leitão, alcaide-mor of new castle. He currently is vacant.

Antigos Paços de Alpedrinha

  • heritage

Largo do Pelourinho, 6
6230-071, Fundão


Old building of the Town Hall, built in 1680, of rectangular plan with three and a floor. Presents a simple rectangular plan, matching the interior with the exterior, and a penthouse on roof of four waters. Between 1972 and 1973 underwent restoration works, being then here installed the Junta de Freguesia and a country club.

Antiga Escola Conde Ferreira / Junta de Freguesia do Fundão

  • heritage

Rua Conde Idanha-a-Nova, 68
6230-348, Fundão


Former elementary school, built in the 19th century, where it works, currently, the Junta de Freguesia do Fundão.

Antiga Casa da Câmara

  • heritage

Rua da Torre de Menagem
6230-160, Fundão


Ponte Romana de Atalaia do Campo

  • heritage

Atalaia do Campo
6230-130, Fundão


Pelourinho de Atalaia do Campo

  • heritage

Rua da Amoreira
6230-130, Fundão


This pillory is composed by a three circular steps platform where it lays the column with an octagonal shaft and a pyramidal capital inverted composed by several rings. On the top it presents an abutment in closed orb or spindle, crowned in cone composed by several rings overlapped.

Casa Brasonada

  • heritage

Rua da Cale, 74-78
6230-378, Fundão


Rectangular house with two and three floors, with outbuildings attached to the rear facade. On the facade, a stone of arms stands out. It was probably built in the 18th century and then remodeled in the 20th century, having been transformed into a restaurant.

Casas com Vãos Manuelinos em Alpedrinha

  • heritage

Rua Feleciano Mendes de Matos
6230-082, Fundão


Set of five houses built in the 16th century, that stand out by their vain Manueline. One of the houses has a window counter with Classicist ornaments, while another of the houses presents a Renaissance niche with a devotional image.

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