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Monuments in Mêda
Solar dos Sampaio e Melo / Solar do Morgado do Rabaçal / Casa do Redondo
- heritage
Rua Doutor Eurico Afonso Inocêncio
6430-351, Rabaçal
Late-Baroque Manor House is believed to have been built in 1759, suffering after renovations in the 21st century. Presents a regular plant in U and L on the second floor, giving rise to a courtyard which if adossam other volumes.

Quinta da Areeira / Solar dos Cancelos / Solar dos Seixas
- heritage
Rua Cancelos do Meio
6430-334, Poço do Canto
This Baroque estate is made out of a residential house and a chapel which is integrated on the façade. It was built in 1748 by D. Manuel de Seixas Moutinho orders. It has a longitudinal plan with hipped roof.

Castelo de Marialva
- heritage
6430-081, Marialva
Classified as a national monument in 1978, the castle which dominates the historical village of Marialva from the top of a cliff probably date from the 12th century or early 13th century, when King Sancho I promoted the settlement of the region. In 1286, King Denis set up one of the many fairs created during his reign, and should date from this period the oval configuration of walls that surround the village, characteristic of the Gothic city perimeter of fortified villages nationals from the late Middle Ages. Although quite ruined, retain their original layout and it is still possible to …

Torre do Relógio de Mêda
- heritage
Rua da Poça
6430-203, Mêda
Clock tower built in the 19th century on the site of an ancient medieval tower existed that would serve as a lookout or Watchtower belonging to a military stronghold. Situated on top of a granite outcrop, offers beautiful views of the locale and surroundings.

Pelourinho de Ranhados
- heritage
Largo Miguel Costa
6430-362, Ranhados
This Manueline pillory is composed by a circular base with three steps. It has a shaft in the shape of rays with four rectilinear lintels and one capital with four frowns. It stands out one fleur-de-lis, four corbels and decoration with human and zoomorphic figures.

Castelo de Ranhados
- heritage
Rua do Castelo
6430-362, Ranhados
Classified as Property of public interest in 1977, Ranhados Castle is situated in a village overlooking the head of the same name, about 838 meters of altitude, where archaeological remains attest to have existed a castro later romanized proto-history. Its construction dates back to the reign of King Dinis, when this granted Foral to the village (1286) in order to encourage their settlement and defense. At the end of the 14th century, these lands were donated to two brothers Távoras, some authors argue that has been built in this period, for simplicity of design and apparent absence of donjon. No …

Castelo de Longroiva
- heritage
Rua do Adro
6430-071, Mêda
The medieval castle of Longroiva, classified as a national monument, is one of the most important examples of military Templar architecture of Beira Interior and one of the best testimonies to Romanesque castle in the region. Built on an alleged castro pre-Roman, erected between the centuries IV and II century BC, its construction will coincide with a significant outbreak of settlement in the region, in the early 12TH century, having belonged to the order of the temple and to the order of Christ. In the 18th century, with the progressive loss of importance of the town, has been documenting the …

Sítio Arqueológico do Vale do Mouro
- heritage
6430-051, Coriscada
The target of several campaigns, the archaeological site of Vale do Mouro revealed a Neolithic settlement with seven thousand years and an astonishing Roman village, when they thought the location would have been just busy III and IV centuries after Christ. The Neolithic period were found in silica materials and quartz chips, while in the Roman bathhouse were discovered a mosaic Panel, a unique find in inner regions of Portugal, and a treasure trove of about 5 thousand coins. The Cultural Centre of Coriscada hosts a permanent exhibition dedicated to this place, whose full significance is yet to reveal.

Igreja Matriz de Mêda / Igreja de São Bento
- heritage
Largo da Igreja
6430-184, Mêda
Baroque church composed of a longitudinal plan with three aisles, a chancel and closer and a vestry located near. Inside are altarpieces of gilt Baroque, Mannerist and Rococo national. It was built in the 16th century and remodelled in the 18th century.

Igreja Matriz da Coriscada / Igreja de Santo António
- heritage
Largo Engenheiro Manuel de Barros
6430-051, Coriscada
Late-Baroque Manor House is believed to have been built in 1759, suffering after renovations in the 21st century. Presents a regular plant in U and L on the second floor, giving rise to a courtyard which if adossam other volumes.