Villa Romana de Nossa Senhora do Tourega
This Roman villa is located on a small elevation, along the ribeira de Valverde, 12 kilometers from Evora. There was the former municipal headquarters, Liberalitas Ebora Iulia. To the East of the building there is a large tank whose main function would be to supply water storage tanks of the baths.
- Easy external parking
- Archeological sites
- True
Monuments near Villa Romana de Nossa Senhora do Tourega
Palácio Barahona / Tribunal da Relação de Évora
Building with a white rim, flowers and cornucopias in relief and a small tower with a cock.
Edifício do Lar de Nossa Senhora da Visitação
Building with a small elevated atrium and windows in Gothic arch.
Edifício do Pátio da Salema
Large building with a turret, which is made of arches crossing the street.