Casino de Espinho

A gaming and leisure space located only 17 km away from Oporto, very near the sea and th centre of the city of Espinho. This room, besides gambling, in a rather beautiful room, includes three theatres with daily exhibitions in a luxurious atmosphere and a cinema room with daily screenings. The gaming rooms include many traditional games and two slot machines rooms with new generation machines, as well as a bingo room for 250 people with sea views.


Rua 19, 85


  • Easy external parking
  • Casinos & Bingos
  • 4
  • Bar/snack-bar, Restaurante

    opening hours

  • monday: 14:00-02:00
  • tuesday: 14:00-02:00
  • wednesday: 14:00-02:00
  • thursday: 14:00-02:00
  • friday: 15:00-03:00
  • saturday: 14:00-02:00
  • sunday: 14:00-02:00

Cultural Centers near Casino de Espinho

Centro Multimeios de Espinho

A recent building with a modern architecture, with a cosmos room, a tempus room, a cinema screen that is 6 times larger than thee standard size, a spatium room…

Museu Municipal de Espinho

Museum opened in June 2009, located in the Forum of Culture and art of Espinho (FACE), old cannery Brandão, Gomes & company. Integrates three permanent exhibit…

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