Museu Municipal da Fotografia João Carpinteiro
Museum installed in the former building of the Central Cinema. This space has several rooms, of which stand out: the history of photography, the collector and the collection. There is also a Bank of images about 2750 scanned photographs that depict Elvas on various points of view.
Largo Luís de Camões
- tel:268636470268636470
- fax: 268636478
- website:
- Museums
- Library, Educational services
Cultural Centers near Museu Municipal da Fotografia João Carpinteiro
Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Elvas
In this file you can find documents of varied character, with interest shown, properly stored and conserved.
Biblioteca Municipal de Elvas
Library that is worth to be visited, not only for meeting in the building of the former Jesuit College, as well as by the booty, which includes 40 thousand pre…
Casa da Cultura de Elvas
Located in a unique building, this space is intended to be a venue for the dissemination and promotion of diverse cultural activities.
Cine-Teatro de Elvas
Space of cultural promotion and dissemination as are the plays, the magazines, concerts, ceremonies, among other initiatives.
Museu Militar de Elvas
Having been a military town Elvas, it could not be registered his story since living memory of its existence until today. Here is permanently exposed, since 20…