Eco Palacete Borralho Relógio
Esta casa privada com cerca de 140 anos de história remonta ao século XIX. Requalificada em 2015, reúne todas as condições para eventos exclusivos e com tradição. Existe ainda a possibilidade de visita guiada sob marcação, onde poderá ver os ricos elementos Arte Nova, reflexo da Belle Époque, como os estuques fingidos, o ferro forjado e os azulejos.
Rua Doutor João de Almeida Tojeiro, 6
- tel:969609767969609767
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- Easy external parking
- True
Monuments near Eco Palacete Borralho Relógio
Chafariz da Fonte dos Leões
The fountain, well located, served as a watering hole for travellers and animals around here. Here are included the public laundry.
Cristóvão Colon
Statue in honor of Christopher Columbus, Navigator and Explorer who reached the Americas in 1492.
Ermida de São Pedro
Chapel of pilgrimage with longitudinal plant comprising porch, nave, chancel narrower (typical in the municipality of Cuba), sacristy located near the left sid…
Igreja de São Vicente / Igreja Matriz de Cuba
The church has a façade flanked by bell ringer towers, triangular gables, the nave is in vault shape and the main chapel is covered by a dome. The inside has a…
Igreja e Recolhimento do Carmo/Antigo Hospital
Late Baroque convent, of regional trait. Good works of stucco, wooden door frame and coloured glass. The Church is distinguished by talha of altarpieces and mu…
Igreja São Sebastião
The Church was founded in 1654, and was the eighth to be built in the village and that has replaced another which existed in that same place. Inside, the altar…