Ténis Clube de Chaves

A set of fenced tennis courts, with synthetic pavement and lights.


Rua Doutor João Morais


  • Tennis courts

Sports near Ténis Clube de Chaves

Campo de Futebol da A.C.R. da Abobeleira

Football field on dirt, with changing rooms and artificial lighting.

Campo de Futebol da Rua General Luís Pimentel Pinto

Fenced-in soccer field, with cement floors, locker rooms and artificial lighting.

Campo de Futebol de Loivos

Fenced football field, with cement floors and artificial lighting.

Estádio Municipal de Chaves

Municipal stadium opened in 1930. It is a lawn grounds with spas and artificial lighting. Has a capacity of 10000 spectators seated and is used in homemade gam…

Piscina Municipal de Chaves

Set of two indoor pools and an outdoor pool.

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