Praia das Rocas

This beach is part of a leisure complex located on a Lake about a mile of extension. Offers the largest wave pool in the country, with approximately 2100 square meters, a albufeira, a secular bridge and six bungalows where you can stay overnight. You can also go boating or pedalo, as well as stay in sailboats anchored in the marina. Admission is paid.


Castanheira de Pêra
3280-102,Castanheira de Pêra


  • Easy external parking
  • Riverside beaches
  • Swimming pool, First aid, Bathhouses, WC, Boating facilities, Handicapped access, Bar/snack-bar, Restaurante
  • car access
  • watch

Beach near Praia das Rocas

Praia Fluvial do Poço de Corga

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