Casino do Estoril

Casino located in the Estoril Coast, one of the biggest in Europe. This space has seen performances by several Portuguese and international celebrities. Among the games available there are the French bank, the baccarat, the slot machines and 12 roulettes.


Avenida Dr. Stanley Ho


  • Private parking
  • Casinos & Bingos
  • Bar/snack-bar, Restaurante

Cultural Centers near Casino do Estoril

Centro de Congressos do Estoril

A modern and well equipped space that welcomes art exhibitions, seminars and congresses.

Espaço Memória dos Exílios

This space, located in a Portuguese modernism building, intends to remember an important part of the recent history of the parish: it has been a refuge for tho…

Galeria de Arte do Casino Estoril

A gallery that beelongs to the Casino of Estoril and welcomes collective and individual exhibitions of painting, drawing and printing of national and internati…

Museu da Música Portuguesa - Casa Verdades de Faria

This museum, located in the São Patrício (Saint Patrick) Tower, has a vast collection of musical instruments and objects that belonged to Fernando Lopes-Graça …

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What do do near Casino do Estoril