Biblioteca Municipal de Vila Chã de Ourique

Nice space, destined to the general public, in order to promote reading and free access to information.


Praça Francisco Jacinto Nogueira
2070-623,Vila Chã de Ourique


  • Libraries

Cultural Centers near Biblioteca Municipal de Vila Chã de Ourique

Ateneu Artístico Cartaxense

Space where it is possible to enjoy handcrafted miniatures. It is a diverse space, destined not to exhibitions, but also functioning as a MultiSport Pavilion.

Auditório Municipal Quinta das Pratas

Diverse space, which are part the pools, a MultiSport field, the Rural Museum of Wine, the internet space, among others.

Biblioteca de Pontével

Space to work in one of the rooms of the old primary school of San Mateo, with technological capabilities and internet access.

Biblioteca Municipal Marcelino Mesquita

Municipal library which aims to promote free access to bibliography, communications technology, which is part of the free internet access.

Centro Cultural Município do Cartaxo

Cartaxo Cultural Centre, contemporary architecture, is a space open to the exterior, composed of two rooms of spectacles, that allow not only the display of ci…

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What do do near Biblioteca Municipal de Vila Chã de Ourique