
Restaurante pertencente ao Hotel Savoy Saccharum servindo pratos à la Carte. É necessário reservar a refeição. Dress code: camisa e calça comprida, para os senhores. Qualquer indumentária desportiva como bermudas, sandálias, camisolas sem manga, etc não é adequada.


Rua da Serra d'Água, 1 - Saccharum Resort & Spa
9370-087,Arco da Calheta


  • 40.00€
  • Formal, Romantic, Selected, Sophisticated
  • Modern
  • Sea
  • Cash
  • Private parking
  • Contemporary, International, Regional
  • Internet, smoking, accessibility

    opening hours

  • monday: 19:00-22:00
  • tuesday: 19:00-22:00
  • wednesday: 19:00-22:00
  • thursday: 19:00-22:00
  • friday: 19:00-22:00
  • saturday: 19:00-22:00
  • sunday: 19:00-22:00


( 0 Reviews )

Restaurants near Alambique

A Carreta


12.00 €

A large and very pleasant space that serves Portuguese traditional dishes. It organizes marriages and other events.

Aki Kalheta

Italian ; Mediterranean ; Portuguese

13.00 €

A simple and modern space with a large and pleasant terrace that serves mainly Italian dishes.

A Pedreira

Portuguese ; Regional

6.50 €

A simple and familiar space that serves some regional and national dishes.

Pizzaria Naye

Italian ; Mediterranean ; Vegetarian

7.50 €

A rustic and welcoming space that functions as a restaurant, a bar and a gaming salon, that serves italian dishes. It has a small terrace.

Costa Verde

Portuguese ; Regional

10.00 €

A simple and familiar space with a small terrace that serves national and regional dishes.

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