Clube de Vela do Barreiro

A space destined for sailing.


Avenida Bento Gonçalves - Praia Norte


  • Easy external parking
  • Water sports

Sports near Clube de Vela do Barreiro

Campo D. Manuel de Melo

A large stadium with seats for 10000 people and lights.

Ginásio do Futebol Clube Barreirense

A well preserved sports pavilion with a wooden floor, professional basketball baskets and 500 seats. The trophy room may be visited.

Pavilhão do Luso Futebol Clube

A large pavilion (old and somewhat degraded) with seats and basketball baskets, used only by athletes/members.

Piscina Municipal do Barreiro

A 25 metres long swimming pool, covered and heated.

Polidesportivo António Marques Teixeira "Xana"

A neighbourhood field, fenced, with lights, in a fairly well preserved condition.

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