Anfiteatro das Piscinas Municipais de Aljustrel
An auditorium that belongs to the municipal pools set.
- Cultural centers
- 1
- Auditorium, Restaurante
Cultural Centers near Anfiteatro das Piscinas Municipais de Aljustrel
Biblioteca Municipal de Aljustrel
The Biblioteca Municipal de Aljustrel integrates the network of libraries and Public reading is a modern space, alive and functional, which aims to gather, org…
Museu Municipal de Aljustrel - Núcleo Central de Compressores
An old Central of the Algares Mine, now turned into a museum. The building was constructed in the 1950s and the central started functioning in 1952. In the ear…
Museu Municipal de Arqueologia de Aljustrel
This museum keeps a part of the local archaeological and ethnographic findings. It contains artefacts used by the several peoples who lived here, from the remo…
Oficina de Animação e Formação Cultural de Aljustrel
Workshops devoted to animations and continuing cutlral formation. It has an internet space.