Quinta Vale das Escadinhas - Sociedade Agrícola de Silgueiros, SA

A space where the Quinta da Falorca, Palha Malhada and Quinta Vale da Escadinha are produced and sold. There are free tours by appointment. It has a shop.


EN 231-1


Conocimientos y Sabores cerca de Quinta Vale das Escadinhas - Sociedade Agrícola de Silgueiros, SA

Casa Catedral

In this craftswork shop one can find several articles from all the regions in th country.

O Artesão

In this craftswork shop on can find diffrent artcles, such as slippers, gloves, carpets and ceramics.


This shops commercialises several craftswork articles, such as ceramics of the Alentejo, baskets of Lourosa and wickers of Gonçalo.

Casa dos Azulejos

This house has ceramics, oil paintings, water colours and chalk drawings.

Adega Cooperativa de Silgueiros

The production and commercialization of the Dão wine, more specifically the Silgueiros wine, takes place in this cellar.

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Qué hacer cerca de Quinta Vale das Escadinhas - Sociedade Agrícola de Silgueiros, SA