Cestaria de Portalegre

Area with many chestnut-trees, whose materials, after prepared, is essential to make basketry. Portalegre presents a crafts work rich in baskets, panniers and large baskets. The first two are used to harvest and carrying olives and the large baskets are to transport bread. The basketry in this region began with the baskets that were used to export chestnuts to Brazil.




Conocimientos y Sabores cerca de Cestaria de Portalegre

Manufactura de Tapeçarias de Portalegre

The tapestry of Portalegre presents a very small stitch, which allows a great detail and perfection of pictures. It is made on the reverse side in weaver’s l...


Casa especializada em produtos típicos alentejanos, nomeadamente charcutaria e doçaria.

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