Adufe ou Pandeiro de Portalegre

The adufe, a rectangular timbrel, is used mostly in religious ceremonies and accompanying the songs of the people. Although it is falling into disuse nowadays, Portalegre and Santa Eulália are the places where they are still used, especially by women.




Conocimientos y Sabores cerca de Adufe ou Pandeiro de Portalegre

Manufactura de Tapeçarias de Portalegre

The tapestry of Portalegre presents a very small stitch, which allows a great detail and perfection of pictures. It is made on the reverse side in weaver’s l...


Casa especializada em produtos típicos alentejanos, nomeadamente charcutaria e doçaria.

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Qué hacer cerca de Adufe ou Pandeiro de Portalegre