Artesanato Kojo

Craftswork articles from several continents, namely Africa and Asia, in a space with music and a small fountain.


Rua Lançarote Freitas, 14 r/c


Conocimientos y Sabores cerca de Artesanato Kojo

Obrigado Lagos

A small shop that sells all sorts of craftswork and souvenirs of the region.

Artesanato Hortense

A craftswork shop with tableware and towels.

Olaria Nova

A large shop that sells African and Indian decoration articles, exhibited in a functional and harmonious manner.

Artesanato A Nau

A space that sells several regional articles, namely tableware and wicker baskets.

A Casa Amarela

A shop located in an old yellow house, where all sorts of craftswork are sold. A special note to Viano do Aletejo's and Coimbra's tableware.

A Casa Portuguesa

A large space where you will find mainly tableware and decoration articles.

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