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Heritage in Portugal

Farol de Gonçalo Velho Cabral

  • heritage

9580-228, Vila do Porto

Vila do Porto

Lighthouse built in 1927, the 114 meters of altitude, in the call tip of the Castle. It is a quadrangular tower with 14 meters high with some buildings annexes.

Forte de Santiago do Outão / Farol do Outão / Hospital Ortopédico do Outão

  • heritage

2900, Outão


Fort located at the foot of Serra da Arrábida. Its tower is dated from 1390. In 1572 it suffered enlarging works and was completely remodelled after the Restoration War. The chapel, covered with glazed tiles from the XVIII century, is worthy of notice. In the XIX century it was a prison and later the holydays residence of King D.Carlos and Queen D. Amélia. In 1909; it became a hospital for orthopaedic diseases and maintains its function until today.

Farol de Aveiro / Farol da Barra

  • heritage

Largo do Farol
3830-753, Ílhavo


É o mais alto Farol de Portugal e foi construído entre 1885 e 1893. Só em 1950 se modernizou o sistema iluminante que passou a ser feito a energia elétrica, em vez da incandescência a partir do vapor do petróleo.

Farol de São Miguel

  • heritage

Rua do Passeio Alegre, 494
4150, Porto


It was the first fire light in Portugal and was built in 1527, by the commendatory of the Santo Tirso Monastery, D. Miguel da Silva, who left incomes to lit fires at night, perpetually.

Farol do Cabo Espichel

  • heritage

Cabo Espichel
2970, Sesimbra


The construction of the Cape Espichel lighthouse, dating back to 1790, is linked to the first attempt of lighting up the Portuguese shoreline (known as the "dark coasts" by the British sailsmen until the second half of the 18th century). The lighting system was changed only in 1883. From then on, ther were several changes made in order to improve the signaling, both of sound and vision. Currently, the lighthouse can be viewd from a distance of 26 miles and is fully automated.

Farol da Ponta dos Capelinhos

  • heritage

9900-304, Horta


The Capelinhos lighthouse was completed in 1903, after works that took over nine years. Its primary function was maintained until 1957, when it was the eruption of the volcano. From that date was in ruins. Consists of a rectangular body of two floors (one of which buried) and a central octagonal tower. Their retraining and integration into the interpretation centre of Capelinhos volcano allows, nowadays, the ascent to its central tower from where you have a unique view on the rugged volcanic landscape.

Farol de Vila Real de Santo António

  • heritage

8900-211, Vila Real de Santo António

Vila Real de Santo António

Localizado na margem direita do rio Guadiana, este farol funciona desde 1923. A sua torre circular, com 40 metros, proporciona magníficas vistas sobre a serra e o mar.

Muralhas do Forte de Vila Franca do Campo

  • heritage

Rua do Baixio
9680-138, Vila Franca do Campo

Vila Franca do Campo

The walls of the old Tagarete pier fort, which served as protection against corsair attacks in the 17th and 18th centuries, still remain present today, separating the fishing port from the marina of Vila Franca do Campo.

Biblioteca Municipal de Vila Franca do Campo

  • heritage

Rua Teófilo Braga, 105
9680-115, Vila Franca do Campo

Vila Franca do Campo

Place dedicated to reading, located in the center of Vila Franca do Campo.

Museu Municipal de Vila Franca do Campo

  • heritage

Rua Visconde do Botelho
9680-178, Vila Franca do Campo

Vila Franca do Campo

The result of a protocol signed between the City Council and the University of the Azores, this museum is organized with a central space, the Municipal Museum, and three museum centers integrated into the community: the Olaria museum center, the Forno de Loiça and the Fábrica da Luz museum center. Here you can see pottery objects, ceramics, learn about traditional arts and crafts and appreciate a collection of traditional vessels from the Azores. It also works as a research center in the areas of Archaeology, Ethnography and History.

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