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Art in Portugal
Centro Cultural Fialho de Almeida
- art
Largo Fialho de Almeida
7940-172, Cuba
A rather pleasant auditorium. It has a cinema room, WC, a bar and a museum room. It has also an open air auditorium.
Ateneu Artístico Cartaxense
- art
Largo Vasco da Gama
2070-048, Cartaxo
Space where it is possible to enjoy handcrafted miniatures. It is a diverse space, destined not to exhibitions, but also functioning as a MultiSport Pavilion.
Auditório Municipal Quinta das Pratas
- art
Rua 25 de Abril
2070, Cartaxo
Diverse space, which are part the pools, a MultiSport field, the Rural Museum of Wine, the internet space, among others.
Galeria Pintor José Tagarro
- art
Rua Doutor Manuel Gomes da Silva
2070-096, Cartaxo
Exhibition Gallery which received the name of the painter José Tagarro cartaxense which hosts a variety of art-related initiatives.
Centro Cultural de Castro Verde
- art
Rua de Ema Júlio Valente
7780-188, Castro Verde
Space with conditions for hosting events of social, cultural and recreational character.
Pavilhão Multiusos de Castro Verde
- art
Largo da Feira
7780-131, Castro Verde
Space for various cultural and recreational events.
Fórum Municipal de Castro Verde
- art
Rua da Liberdade
7780-217, Castro Verde
Location for various cultural and recreational events, offering an internet space.
Centro Cultural de Entradas
- art
7780, Castro Verde
Space destined to cultural and recreational events.
Recinto de Espetáculos de Casével
- art
7780-020, Castro Verde
Space for cultural and recreational events.
Coreto de Selores
- art
5140-252, Carrazeda de Ansiães
Gazebo of rustic traits based and access staircase to the top in granite, tile roof and wrought-iron railings.