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Country in Portugal
Miradouro da Fraga da Pena
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- leisure
6370, Fornos de Algodres
From this site you can get beautiful panoramic views of the green mountains around.
- country
- heritage
6370-011, Fornos de Algodres
Located at an altitude of 700 metres, with lovely views. Once the siege of the parish, with coats of arms on granite houses and several manors. A special note to the pillory, the mother church, the church of Misericórdia, the Sacred Route, the Town Hall and a 17th century manor. Craftswork includes cheeses and baskets.
Parque de Cadoiço
- country
- leisure
6370, Fornos de Algodres
Pleasant location with cobblestone paths and some garden benches, where you can relax while observing the course of water that way.
Miradouro do Parque
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- leisure
4625, Marco de Canaveses
A place with excellent viws of the Douro river's curves.
Parque Fluvial do Tâmega
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- leisure
Marco de Canaveses
4635, Marco de Canaveses
Com 1,5 km de extensão, e localizado nas margens do rio Tâmega, este parque é favorecido por uma ampla albufeira, sendo um excelente local para a prática de desportos aquáticos, piqueniques e caminhadas. Dispõe de um circuito pedonal, geriátrico e de manutenção, um centro náutico, uma fluvina, um bar de apoio, um parque de merendas, um parque infantil e um percurso pedestre.
Barragem do Torrão
- beach
- country
4575, Torrão
A dam on the Tâmega river, 3.5 km away from where the Tâmega meets the Douro.
Barragem do Carrapatelo
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- country
Barragem do Carrapatelo
4625, Mourilho
A dam on the Douro river, surrounded by hillsides with trees and large rocks. The most common fish species are the chub, the barbel and the nasel. Fishing and surfing are allowed with certain restrictions. Free use of boats.
Parque José Pereira Caldas
- country
- leisure
Rua do Infante de Sagres
2330, Entroncamento
A garden with a bandstand and a kiosk, wide green areas and flowerbeds.
Albufeira do Bonito
- beach
- country
Casal do Grilo
2330, Entroncamento
In this artificial reservoir, one may do recreational fishing and canoeing. It has a picnic area, a scouts park, an archers park and a forest. There are also wc and locker rooms.
Jardim Afonso Serrão Lopes
- country
- leisure
Largo Afonso Serrão Lopes
2330, Entroncamento
Built by the Town Hall in 1982. It is a pleasant space, with many trees, a lawn and flowerbeds, quite lovely and calm. It is fit for leisuring and relaxing.