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2560, Torres Vedras

Torres Vedras

Percurso Pedestre Fonte Lima

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Rua da Ribeira
2560, Maceira

Torres Vedras

Pedestrian path with 3.1 miles long.

Ciclovia de Torres Vedras

  • heritage

Avenida Doutor Jacinto Leandro (EN 247)
2560, Maceira

Torres Vedras

Between Santa Cruz and Porto Novo enjoy an ecological atmosphere and increase your life quality while exercising. Five kilometres with only one steep climb make this a medium difficulty walk.

Ciclovia de Torres Vedras

  • heritage

EN 247
2560, A dos Cunhados

Torres Vedras

Between Santa Cruz and Porto Novo, enjoy na ecological atmosphere and practise gymnastics. It is 5 kilometres with only one steep climb, which makes the walk of medium difficulty.

Campo de Tiro da Associação de Caça e Pesca de Carvoeira

  • leisure

Rua do Casal do Sol
2565, Dois Portos

Torres Vedras

The hunting and fishing Club in the parish of Bunker was founded on April 12, 1990. The Club offers two training camps, hunting a Roberto's farm and the other at quinta dos Barreiros, where Hunting is practised to Jump from June to March, as well as a field of clay-pigeon shooting, between May and September.

Farmácia Hortas da Silva

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Rua da Ribeira, 4 r/c
2560-086, Maceira

Torres Vedras

Praça de Táxis de Aldeia Grande

  • heritage

Rua São Sebastião
2565, Aldeia Grande

Torres Vedras

Praça de Táxis de Maxial

  • heritage

Rua Dom Afonso V
2565, Maxial

Torres Vedras

CAE do Oeste

  • utilities

Rua Creche do Povo
2560, Torres Vedras

Torres Vedras

Praça de Táxis de Monte Redondo

  • heritage

Rua Principal (EM 575)
2565-544, Monte Redondo

Torres Vedras
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