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Polidesportivo de Vila Facaia

  • leisure

Avenida Combatentes da Grande Guerra
2565, Vila Facaia

Torres Vedras

Enclosure with colorful tartan flooring and lighting.

Polidesportivo de Monte Redondo

  • leisure

Rua do Valjeirão
2565, Monte Redondo

Torres Vedras

Sealed enclosure with markings for football and basketball.

Polidesportivo de Freixofeira

  • leisure

Rua da Tapada
2565, Freixofeira

Torres Vedras

Complex composed of a dirt field and another field in tartan and with lighting.

Polidesportivo de Coutada

  • leisure

Rua do Lavadouro (CM 1367)
2560, Coutada

Torres Vedras

Sealed enclosure with floor in good condition.

Polidesportivo de Carreiras

  • leisure

Rua Santa Quitéria
2565, Carreiras

Torres Vedras

Enclosure suitable for the practice of football and basketball.

Polidesportivo de A-dos-Cunhados

  • leisure

Rua Guerra Peninsular
2560-010, A-dos-Cunhados

Torres Vedras

MultiSport grounds, with various markings for different modalities. Is fenced, has painted floors and has lighting.

Polidesportivo da Rua António Leal de Ascenção

  • leisure

Rua António Leal de Ascenção (EM 553)
2560-309, Torres Vedras

Torres Vedras

MultiSport with countertops, lighting and locker room. Features a soccer field and two basketball courts. Also allows other modalities, according to markings on the enclosure.

Pista de Aeromodelismo do Aeroclube de Torres Vedras

  • leisure

Rua dos Primores
2560-470, Silveira

Torres Vedras

The airfield has two hangars. The first with the operations room, Office, living room of briefings, recreation room and bedchamber. And the second is more geared towards training, where classrooms are located, one of them with a simulator.

Parque Recreativo de Concelhos e Poços

  • leisure

Rua Direita (EM 554-2)
2565, Poços

Torres Vedras

Painted concrete enclosure that allows the practice of football and handball.

Parque Francisco Espírito Santo Roque do Vale

  • leisure

EN 115-2
2565, Ermegeira

Torres Vedras

Concrete enclosure that allows the practice of football and handball.

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