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Museu Agrícola de Riachos

  • heritage

Rua Doutor José Marques, 14
2350-362, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

In this museum you can visit exhibitions of agricultural artifacts, costumes and other brands of rurality.

Biblioteca Municipal Manuel Simões Serôdio

  • heritage

Avenida 16 de Maio
2350-321, Riachos

Torres Novas

Space consists of reading rooms, a library, recreation areas and in support of the reader, a Hall and an auditorium.

Coreto de Zibreira

  • art

Praça Engenheiro Luís Tavares Simão
2350, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Little gazebo where they operate the Philharmonic bands sites on feast days.

Coreto de Chancelaria

  • art

Largo da Igreja
2350-073, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Typical Bandstand used by philharmonic bands sites on feast days.

Auditório do Jardim das Rosas

  • art

Avenida Doutor João Martins de Azevedo
2350-589, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Small outdoor Auditorium located in a beautiful and pleasant garden.

Monumento aos Combatentes da Grande Guerra

  • heritage

Largo Combatentes da Grande Guerra
2350, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Monument in stone, with the cross of the order of Christ on top, erected in tribute to the fighters of the great war.

Monumento ao Cingeleiro - A Lenda do Senhor Jesus

  • heritage

EN 243
2350, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

This monument evokes the ancient legend of cingeleiro. Pray this legend in the middle ages, a group of cingeleiros found a slab with the face of Christ Crucified, while going out there plowing the fields. After the clean up, they took her to the center of the village, where flocked the others cingeleiros. From then on, every year, they come together to celebrate the feast of the blessing of the Cattle.

Monumento ao Bombeiro

  • heritage

Largo José Lopes dos Santos
2350, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

A firefighter statue erected in tribute to these professionals.

Monumento à Liberdade

  • heritage

Largo das Forças Armadas
2350, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Monument depicting a human figure on a carved stone, erected in tribute to freedom.

Memorial à Safra de Azeitona

  • heritage

Avenida Andrade Corvo
2350, Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Monument erected in honor of the olive harvest, process by which olive oil is produced.

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