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Fonte da Rua Abade João Domingos Arede

  • heritage

Rua Abade João Domingos Arede
3720-384, Vila de Cucujães

Oliveira de Azeméis

Ancient stone source, currently disabled.

Fonte da Rua Doutor Manuel Gonçalves de Pinho Rocha

  • heritage

Rua Doutor Manuel Gonçalves de Pinho Rocha
3720-217, Oliveira de Azeméis

Oliveira de Azeméis

Granite fountain, which has a hexagonal tank 4 Lattes.

Fonte da Rua Mamuel Ferreira da Silva Brandão

  • heritage

Rua Manuel Ferreira da Silva Brandão
3720-401, Vila de Cucujães

Oliveira de Azeméis

Small fountain with marble finishes surrounded by small garden with benches and flowerbeds with several plants.

Estátua ao Emigrante

  • heritage

3720-051, Loureiro

Oliveira de Azeméis

Statue in bronze, unadorned homage to emigrant.

Estátua de São Pedro

  • heritage

Rua de São Pedro
3700-726, Cesar

Oliveira de Azeméis

Statue of St. Peter.

Estátua de São Roque

  • heritage

Rua do Infantário
3720-746, São Roque

Oliveira de Azeméis

Statue of Saint Roque based on a pedestal worked.


  • heritage

Rua Núcleo Atletismo de Cucujães
3720-780, Vila de Cucujães

Oliveira de Azeméis

Set of 3 small stone statues located at the center of a grassy roundabout.


  • heritage

3720-798, Vila de Cucujães

Oliveira de Azeméis

Marble sculpture built in honor of the 75 years of the village of Cucujães.

Escultura de Manuel Godinho

  • heritage

Rua Capitão Correia Martins
3700-765, Nogueira do Cravo

Oliveira de Azeméis

Sculpture honoring Manuel Godinho, poet and lecturer.

Escultura do Brasão de Armas

  • heritage

Rua Pedro Maria da Fonseca
3720-917, São Roque

Oliveira de Azeméis

Sculpture with the coat of arms of the League of combatants.

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