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Inscrições Romanas - Altar de Penascrita

  • heritage

Vilar de perdizes
5470-461, Montalegre


Granitic outcrop worked and transformed into rock altar, consisting of three steps, topped by three more notches in the rock, in the form of "and" lying. On the surface it stands out a rectangular cavity and linear tears. This cavity is interpreted by some authors as being the "foculus". On one side of the altar there is an inscription dedicated to the God Jupiter, mate, Larouco assigned by the soldiers of the Legion VII Gemina. Mention the resemblance to two other nearby shrines, one dedicated to the God Jupiter and another Larouco.

Dólmen na Rua Padre Domingos Barroso

  • heritage

Rua Padre Domingos Barroso
5470-202, Montalegre


Fojo do Lobo de Parada

  • heritage

5470-333, Montalegre


Monument located at an average altitude of 890 metres, inside of the Peneda-Gerês National Park. The vegetation is dense, and the fojo burned recently. It is a granite wall, closed around a large Boulder, which forms an enclosure only accessible by exterior. There's a door, formerly used by popular to put the bait, carry out maintenance and cleaning operations, and to enter the interior of the walled area when a Wolf then was cornered. With about 60 meters in diameter, is the largest fojo of this type in the Iberian Peninsula. One of their structural particularities is the shape of …

Gravuras Rupestres do Penedo de Caparinho

  • heritage

Vilar de Perdizes
5470-461, Montalegre


Within the designated space for Caparinho field, in a shed attached to the river Assureira, are some rock engravings, of which stands out the Rock of Caparinho, now renamed Penedo of matrimony. Presents written two anthropomorphs, one male and the other female, with their genitals expressed, indicating rituals associated with human fertility. The figures present the show of hands, with oversized hands and are apparently kneeling. In the area surrounding the rock there are other engraved rocks, one corresponds to a granitic outcrop, where were made several dents from different dimensions, sometimes aligned, other connected by small grooves perforation. The …

Fojo do Lobo do Avelar

  • heritage

5470, Montalegre


The Fojo do Lobo of Avelar is one of the great points of interest in Montalegre, making part of the trail of the Ourigo. This is a hunting trap for wolves, consisting of two stone walls that converge into a hole empedrado about 2 feet tall, in which animals would fall after beset by popular. Covered in vegetation, also recalls the times when the Wolf was feared in Sierra.

Pisão de Tabuadela

  • heritage

5470-441, Montalegre


It is a wooden device consisting of a hydraulic driving wheel, axle, cigarette packs and the mixer. Although the main purpose of the Piso be to grant a more compact texture to wool cloths, in most cases it is also used to strengthen blankets or quilts with some use and to dye fabric. The process of fulling industry consists in the wash, in pisoamento itself (the cloths are churned up and beaten by the packs, press the warp and weft) and finish (the cloths are put to dry in the Sun).

Sepulturas Antropomórficas da Senhora dos Galegos/ Senhora da Natividade

  • heritage

5470-057, Montalegre


Cave graves set divided into two groups and located in granite outcrops in the area surrounding the shrine of the Lady of Nativity, near the place where stood a Roman settlement. The first set consists of two rectangular anthropomorphic graves, located some 50 metres west of the Chapel, with the curve of the shoulders protruding well, arched headboard and the feet are not highlighted. The first has a maximum width of 0.43 meters and length of 1.83 metres. The second presents approximately 0.52 m wide and is partially severed, if not accurately identifies the length. The second group is made …

Sepulturas Antropomórficas de Santo Adrião

  • heritage

5470, Montalegre


About 2 km north of the beautiful village of Montalegre, near the chapel of Santo Adrião, are these interesting anthropomorphic graves dated between the 10th and 13th centuries. Consist of three graves in granite and a grave excavated in schistose rock anthropomorphic too, in the back of the chapel. It is thought that exist outside a village, to which these tombs may belong, and may be only part of a necropolis affects the village. The surrounding countryside, in almost natural state, is of great beauty and peace of mind, a place where time seems to have stopped.

Castro de Codeçoso

  • heritage

Venda Nova
5470-501, Venda Nova


Fortified village, whose defense is composed of two lines of surrounding walls and a deep moat excavated in the rock on the South side. One of the features of this pre-Roman settlement is little spacing between the two lines of wall (about 10 meters). Within the second, on the north side, building alignments are visible. With the construction of the albufeira of Venda Nova, in the Decade of 1940, this place got the configuration of a peninsula. On the hillside East of castro, spent the 17th via romana to prove it we have the milestone of Claudius I, with 38 …

Gravuras Rupestres - Pegadas da Burrinha da Nossa Senhora

  • heritage

Vilar de Perdizes
5470-461, Vilar de Perdizes


Set of engravings with motifs quadrangular with cross centered, simple crosses, dimples and other horseshoe-shaped, located along the road that connects Vilar de Perdizes in the ponte de Santo André. The entire set was recorded on the face of a granitic outcrop horizontal and in two monoliths placed about the same. However, the provision of these has been modified in recent years, because they were placed in the form of a small oven designed for easy-Bake Oven of our Lady. Believed to have been territorial, ritualized fashion brands from space or even playful motifs. It is also possible that the …

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