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Fojo do Lobo de Fafião

  • heritage

5470-017, Fafião


It is a granite structure of interlocking walls, the circular pit. Has the particularity to the absence of structural cápias form the rim at the top of the wall, about 64 feet long and 2.17 meters of average height, revealing the boca do fojo to its ending upward slope. It is believed it was used especially in winter, when farmers drove cattle goats and cattle to mount low, located southwest of the village and bounded naturally by the rivers of Fafião and Cávado. The cova do fojo was shrouded with wood prepared horizontally and a canopy, Crown easily but anybody …

Mamoa da Arregada

  • heritage

Cambeses do Rio
5470-041, Cambeses do Rio


This megalithic monument was virtually destroyed by the road linking Montalegre to Sezelhe. Their mainstays were destroyed, noting only a mound which can be confused with remains of land resulting from the opening of the road. It is believed that this tumulus was 28 feet in diameter and 1, 15 meters high, integrating the tumuli of Pereiro.

Mamoa da Longra

  • heritage

5470-065, Gralhós


Megalithic Tomb monument clearly visible in the landscape, located on a hill next to the road, a few dozen meters after the entrance to the quarry. Has about nine meters in maximum diameter and a central depression very sharp. There are traces of the dolmen, but are visible remnants of lytic Cuirass.

Marco Miliário do Imperador Cláudio I

  • heritage

5470-051, Cervos


Fragment of a milestone year 43 ad, dated in the Via XVII of the Antonine itinerary and found in the serra do Pindo, in Arcos. It is a cylindrical block of granite, well cut, medium to fine grain, built by Emperor Claudius Caesar Augustus. Currently, is in the collection of the Municipal Council of Montalegre.

Castro de Cabeça da Armada

  • heritage

Vila da Ponte
5470-543, Vila da Ponte


Fortified settlement well highlighted in the landscape, located on the left bank of the River, Rabagão overlooking the EN 103 and near the second entrance to Vila da Ponte, coming of Montalegre. Highlights include the obvious line of wall surrounding the village and the two deep parallel ditches between themselves. Inside and on the surface are barely evident traces of occupation. Here are a wide visibility over the surrounding territory, including about the castro de Valongo.

Via Romana

  • heritage

Vila da Ponte
5470-543, Montalegre


Alminhas de Mourilhe

  • heritage

5470-311, Mourilhe


Shrine with the image of Christ on the cross, built in stone near the place of the cruise; undated should be from the 18th century, date of Church, carefully observed.


  • utilities

Rua General Humberto Delgado, 559
5470-247, Montalegre



  • utilities

Rua do Pólo Norte, 2
5470-251, Montalegre


Novo Banco

  • utilities

Avenida Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira, 542
5470-203, Montalegre

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