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  • food & drink

EM509-1, 14
5470-067, Medeiros


São Cristóvão

  • food & drink

Rua da Seara Velha, 14 - Hotel São Cristóvão
5470-504, Venda Nova


O Abrasador

  • food & drink

Zona Industrial de Montalegre, Lote 1
5470-524, Montalegre


Taberna da Eira

  • food & drink

Rua Cabeça do Castro, 3
5470-333, Outeiro


Taberna da Misarela

  • food & drink

Rua Estrada Municipal, 2
5470-122, Ferral


Sabores de Barroso

  • food & drink

Rua Portela, 113
5470-229, Montalegre


Zona Industrial de Salto

  • utilities

Zona Industrial de Salto
5470-430, Salto


Pólo Norte

  • food & drink

Aldeia Nova
5470-071, Chã


Via Romana XVII do Itinerário de Antonino

  • heritage

5470-069, Montalegre


This Roman road emerges from albufeira about one kilometre south-west of the chapel of Saint Alexius, in Penedones, next to the graves. This location until Tariq, the former EN 103 adopted the route of Via romana, passing West of castro de São Vicente, the village of Chã, Peirezes, Peirezes and Gralhós bridge. It was built in the time of the first Roman Emperor Augustus, as evidenced by the anepígrafo milestone. Is an integral part of the route of the Via romana XVII, between Braga and Astorga.

Mamoa 1 de Pereiro

  • heritage

Cambeses do Rio
5470-041, Cambeses do Rio


Megalithic monument partly destroyed, to present about 17 feet maximum diameter, a central depression accentuated. Are not visible Struts. In the surrounding area there are a few stones of walls that may have been mainstays. It is believed to date from between the end of the 5th Millennium BC and the beginning of the third millennium BC.

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