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Calçada de Santa Marinha/ Penedo do Podão

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Vilar de Perdizes
5470-461, Vilar de Perdizes


Rail stretch of empedrado, which integrated the ancient Camino de Santa Marinha. The section is about 250 meters long by three meters wide average and is partially impassable, due to vegetation. Save paved with granite slabs, being clearly visible on some points parallel grooves, caused by the continuing passage of wheeled cars. The slabs that make up the sidewalk, are sometimes interrupted by granite outcrops to reinforce stability. In one of those rocks, and in the middle of the path axis is drawn a little trimmer, with E\/W direction, and is about 0.35 meters maximum length.

Via Romana XVII

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5470-526, Viade de Baixo


Stretch of Roman road in the Via XVII of the Antonine itinerary. In this parish begins a few meters South of the bridge of nearby Cambela which was found a Roman funerary stele. On the way down to the bridge, saves a beautiful stretch of lajeado, whose brand of rotated is notorious. In Drosia, cross the former EN 116 km, where he kept a section of sidewalk. From dos Pisões is submerged by the Alto Rabagão albufeira to Villa de Mel, South from the top of Pedrouço. On the cross of Leiranque, place flooded by the reservoir, was found a …

Povoado de Crastelo/ Crestelo

  • heritage

5470-490, Tourém


Location interpreted by some authors as having been a castro. It is a steep elevation, located on the right side of the road which connects Pitons to Tourém, where there is abundant stone fondly and some evidence of structural alignments. At the top, there are several boulders with dimples, which dont seem to be natural. The oral tradition identifies this location, situated in a strategic point, as a castro or Castle.

Sepultura Antropomórfica de Tapado do Alvão

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Tapado do Alvão
5470-490, Tourém


Fragment of the grave carved in a granite block anthropomorphic and incorporated into the wall of a property. Presents an area of the head and shoulders well laid out and the beginning of the body lowered, with about one metre long. It is an isolated finding, not far from the Valley of St. Stephen 's, where they were found several bricks and anthropomorphic sarcophagus.

Mamoa do Alto da Colmeia

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Alto da Colmeia
5470-529, Viade de Baixo


On top of the hive, by the estradão which connects the top to the Ourigo Viade, a small bump right identifies a megalith Tomb. Has about 7.50 metres maximum diameter and the tumuli almost shallow. Seems to be kept in reasonable condition, because the violation is shallow crater. Are visible at least 8 embedded, slabs that formed the Chamber.

Povoado de Brandim/ Vale do Antigo

  • heritage

5470-522, Viade de Baixo


Roman settlement located on a hill overlooking the village of Brandim, Northwest side, named Old Valley or Lot of screaming. Are still visible potsherds of Roman typology. According to locals, during agricultural work have met here several ceramic fragments and remnants of MOS. Next to a property wall are some stairs well hewn in the rock.

Marco Miliário de Ponte do Arco

  • heritage

Venda Nova
5470-504, Venda Nova


Milestone of the Via XVII of the Antonine itinerary, which connected Bracara Augusta (Braga) to Asturica Augusta (Astorga) through Aquae Flaviae (Keys). It is a medium-grained granite cylinder the rude, well carved, with about 1.20 meters high and one meter in maximum diameter. Presents two crosses recorded evidence of reuse in later times. It was found near the bridge of the Bow, during the works of the dam of Venda Nova, and placed in the garden adjacent to the dam, at Cambedo. A few years ago this site was removed and taken to the garden of Venda Nova.

Achado Arqueológico

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Vale Travesso
5470-480, Solveira


This isolated finding was discovered incidentally, in April 1961, by a farmer. The pieces were saved by the parish priest of the parish and later transferred to the municipality of Montalegre, where currently. Lug axe features a double, a double ring wrench and signs of use. Weighs 965 grams and measuring 24.2 cm. The two spearheads have a hole for the cable, a vein protruding enough on the blade and measure 146 mm and 144 mm and weighs 68 and 62 grams, respectively. The instrument with "way to fork" seems to be one piece in Portugal, showing a flat part …

Gravura em Cargua

  • heritage

5470-480, Solveira


Isolated engraving recorded on a granite block, located south of the River in Assureira Cargua and next to a water line. The monolith is located inside a private property, currently abandoned, in the alignment of the wall that delimited the same. The block is vertically, presenting a form semitriangular, with approximately one meter high by 0.85 feet wide. The inscription is not visible in its entirety.

Capela de Nossa Senhora de Vilabril

  • heritage

São Pedro
5470-082, Montalegre


All the three villages that make up the Parish has served as headquarters: in all prayed and mass rose baptistery able. Half of St. Peter, village founded on a castro where still, belonged to the order of Saint James of Mourilhe. However, the most idyllic corner of the whole plateau is perhaps the chapel of Nossa Senhora da Vila April that was medieval Hermitage loaded of religiosity and legends. Is one of the "Seven Ladies" celebrated the 8 September each year.

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