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Mamoa da Darruída

  • heritage

5470-341, Padornelos


Megalithic funerary monument located about 300 meters South of marco Pedregalho geodetic, a small ground, next to a road leading to castro. It is a tumulus with "tumuli", with about ten meters in diameter and less than a meter in height. Is not identifying props revolved. Is visible a species of lytic ring of containment, formed by small pebbles.

Mamoa 1 do Poço de Grou

  • heritage

5470-342, Padornelos


This is one of the two megalithic monuments located along the road that connects Montalegre to the border, about 400 meters before the last crossing for a planed Sendim tea. The tumulus 1 Crane well, located just 50 metres from the second, is a monument with "tumuli", with about twenty meters in diameter and more than 1.5 metres high. Features a central depression where you can see just a mainstay and there is no trace of lytic Cuirass. Is covered by small Oaks.

Mamoa da Lama da Carneira

  • heritage

Lama da Carneira
5470-341, Padornelos


Megalithic Tomb monument located along the road linking the border, less than 100 meters before the Court that connects the village of Padornelos. It is a tumulus with "tumuli" low, without traces of armor and with a central depression lytic resulting from the demolition of the House. Has about 17 meters in diameter and less than a meter in height. Identify two mainstays tumbled and at least two more buried.


  • heritage

5470-332, Outeiro


It is believed that, in Medieval times, it was at this location that swore by the lepers. Gafaria was the medieval term for designating leprosaria, gafo meant leper. Usually, these sites were situated outside the areas, to avoid the contagion. On the north side and Northwest of the small hill there is a cliff, this point may have also served to launch the bodies about the ribeiro, who runs the a quota of less than 40 meters.

Povoado de Pedregalho

  • heritage

5470-341, Padornelos


Fortified settlement called Pedregalho, located to the southwest of the village of Padornelos. Are still visible remains of at least two rows of walls on the South side identified an alignment of wall with about ten meters, whose core was filled in Earth and rock chick. On the hillside are indigenous pottery shards. It is believed that this town may have been abandoned during the iron age, whose occupation was in a sheltered area, where today lies the old core of the village of Padornelos whose name is "City".

Castro de Valongo

  • heritage

5470-392, Reigoso


Small town located on the right bank of the ribeira de Valongo, which serves as a natural landmark to delimit the parishes of Reigoso and the Village bridge. The most obvious vestiges are the system of fortifications, comprising a moat and three lines of walls. The first line of wall encircles the upper stronghold, causing a broad platform where if there are some remains of buildings. The second, near the previous one, is well visible and enhanced by a third, in half-moon. West defense is complemented by a wide and deep moat excavated in outcrop.

Castro de Fernão Mouro

  • heritage

5470-465, Sarraquinhos


Fortified village, chronologically contemporary castro de Pedrário, located on the upper deck of the Mount of the same name, 1128 m above sea level. Difficult to access by the East side, it is a semicircular enclosure defended by a single thick line of wall. Inside the enclosure are visible a few boulders with circular dimples. In all its extension you can still identify a line of wall, although only the foundations remaining on some points. These structures are attributable to the iron age. This border is the castro de Pedrário, which gets an insider's view, both dominating the Valley of …

Sepulturas Antropomórficas de Antigo de Serraquinhos

  • heritage

Antigo de Sarraquinhos
5470-462, Sarraquinhos


Anthropomorphic burial excavated in a granitic outcrop and located in one of the streets of the village, about 30 meters from the Church. Half of this grave is found on the outer wall of an old housing and features a prominent shoulders curve and an arched headboard. According to oral information, inside the home, more specifically in the cellar, there could be more graves. Believed to be associated with an ancient village, perhaps of Roman or Medieval chronology.

Mamoa de Troncle

  • heritage

5470-370, Pitões das Júnias


Megalithic funerary monument in the Megalithic Necropolis of the plateau of Mourela, located under a high voltage line. Is barely visible in the landscape, with about ten meters in diameter and a slight central depression accentuated and scraps of armor, lytic identifying any trace of dolmen.

Mamoa da Senhora da Livração

  • heritage

Paio Afonso
5470-384, Pondras


About 30 metres from the main estradão and along the access path that connects to the chapel of Senhora da Livração, a tea, is a megalithic burial monument whose tumuli is relatively high. Has at least 13 meters in diameter and about 1.5 meters high, is fairly revolved; features deep depression and identifies any central mainstay. Near this monument identifies what could be another, is fully covered with stones, which made it impossible to confirm.

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