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Forno do Povo de Tourém

  • heritage

Largo do Forno do Povo / Largo Professor Manuel Gonçalves
5470-490, Tourém


Tourém is famous for its monumental oven. All built in stone with walls strengthened by powerful buttresses and coverage in pardieiros, this, has capacity for 20 clams and is still used. In a niche of the doorjamb has drawn on stone dates from 1868, although the type of architecture that allow construction say that the same is of a much earlier date. The gateway was opened between cunhal and building the first Foothill, and presents a straight Dick. Inside of the oven there are three perfect round arches supporting the roof. In front of the building, along the road, there …

Ponte de Vila da Ponte

  • heritage

Rua da Estrada Nova
5470-543, Vila da Ponte


Granite bridge, which is believed to have been the first bridge to be built over the river Cabril. Presents a trestle Board, with the ramp on the left side is greater than the law and the pavement in lajeado, based on three arches of different sizes, which grow from left to right. The two smaller ones are of perfect arches, while the third is slightly pointed. On the right bank, at the entrance of the village, there is a cruise with frame and front inscription.

Forno do Povo de Travassos da Chã

  • heritage

Travassos da Chã
5470-073, Chã


Many years ago, community ovens Barroso were covered with thatch (rye straw). With use, the coverage frequently, and also the burning homes in villages where they were, because the fire was spreading and burned down the houses next door, running the settlements a high risk of widespread fire, what I think has happened a few times. For this reason, at some point began to cover the ovens with slabs of granite. Even though it was work hard to perform, soon found to be the compensating results. Today, community ovens are important heritage of the region of Barroso.

Homenagem ao Agricultor

  • heritage

Rua da Corujeira
5470-219, Montalegre


Statues of tribute to farmers.

Ponte de Cervos

  • heritage

5470-057, Cervos


Cruzeiro de Travassos

  • heritage

Rua Principal
5470-472, Travassos


19th century architecture cruise in granite with cubic capital surmounted by a Latin cross. Has Sundial bet. Architectural set, part shrine in rural architecture.

Estátua de Vilar de Perdizes

  • heritage

Avenida da Igreja
5470-460, Vilar de Perdizes


Stone statue, located in the Centre of Vilar de Perdizes, representing a warrior.

Homenagem ao Soldado Português e Ex-Combatente do Ultramar

  • heritage

Marginal do Cávado
5470-266, Montalegre


Statue of tribute to the Portuguese Soldier and Ex-Combatant overseas.

Forno do Povo de Paredes

  • heritage

Rua da Igreja
5470-092, Paredes


Community ovens were essential in the livelihood of peoples of barroso. The dough was prepared in every household and then taken to the village oven to finish the cycle of rye in desirable Scones. This is a typical example of community ovens of this region of Trás-os-Montes.

Fonte do Largo do Campo

  • heritage

Largo do Campo
5470-450, Santo André


Font with a spout and oval tank.

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