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Câmara Municipal de Mangualde

  • utilities

Largo Doutor Couto
3534-004, Mangualde


Cinderela III

  • food & drink

Avenida da Liberdade, 60
3530-113, Mangualde


Arca dos Caracóis

  • food & drink

Monte Nossa Senhora do Castelo
3530-238, Mangualde


Restaurante Hot Grill

  • food & drink

Rua Luís de Camões, 61
3530-214, Mangualde


Tabosa Telheiro

  • food & drink

EN 16
3530-070, Mangualde


Churrasqueira Orca

  • food & drink

Rua Doutor Sebastião Alcantara, 16
3530-206, Mangualde


Calçada Romana de Mesquitela

  • heritage

3530-302, Mesquitela


Stretch of Roman road about 50 meters and in good condition.

Fonte do Largo Pedro Álvares Cabral

  • heritage

Largo Pedro Álvares Cabral
3530-135, Mangualde


Source about three meters tall, drinking water and a Portuguese coat of arms.

Casa do São Cosmado

  • heritage

Rua de Pedro Álvares Cabral, 10
3530-238, São Cosmado


House where, according to tradition, inhabited Pedro Álvares Cabral, while alcaide-mor of Mangualde, former Azurara da Beira. The property features rectangular plan and gable roof, being notorious the numerous changes that suffered. The top floor is the ground floor housing and to the animal shelter. Has a porch supported by a series of smooth columns, with capital and elevations with apilastrados corners.

Capela de São João Baptista

  • heritage

3530-341, Santiago de Cassurrães


The date of construction of the chapel of St. John the Baptist is not known, but its origins date back to medieval times. The inscription of 1602 at the side door indicates the year in which the body of the Church have been reworked, with the chancel has the inscription of 1708. In the interior is the altarpiece-mor of Mannerist style, the image of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, the interior Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Piedade, built by Domingos Fernandes Man.

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