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Estátua aos Pescadores de Lagos

  • heritage

Rua Álvaro Esteves
8600, Lagos


A statue that is a simple tribute to the fishermen of Lagos, brave men who defy the sea with their boats.

Réplica de Estela Tumular da Idade do Ferro

  • heritage

8600, Bensafrim


A replica of a tumular stele dating back to 800 to 500 years bC.

Painel de Azulejos Infante Dom Henrique

  • heritage

Rua do Rossio
8600, Bensafrim


A tile panel to remind Henry the Navigator's passage in this place and to celebrate the 6oo years of his birth.

Painel de Azulejos Alcácer Quibir

  • heritage

Avenida dos Descobrimentos
8600, Lagos


A tile panel that represents the Alcácer Quibir battle, with references to the disappearance of king Dom Sebastião. It was inaugurated in the 1980s.

Muralhas e Torreões de Lagos / Baluarte da Porta dos Quartos

  • heritage

Rua Infante de Sagres
8600-743, Lagos


Of the ancient walls there are only left the Gate of Portugal, the Gate of the Postigo and the remannts of old courtiers. It is said that Dom Sebastião was present at a field mass before going to the battle of Alcácer Quibir and that he saw it from a manuelin window one can still see on the walls.

Moinho de Odiáxere

  • heritage

Rua da Barragem
8600, Odiáxere


A recovered wind mill.

Moinho da Rua de Santo Amaro

  • heritage

Rua de Santo Amaro
8600, Lagos


Porta da Praça

  • heritage

Estrada da Ponta da Piedade
8600, Lagos


It is one of the city's gates, built together with several walls, in the 16th century, for military and safety purposes. It was remodelled in the 20th century. Classified as a National Monument.

Arco / Porta de São Gonçalo

  • heritage

Rua Miguel Bombarda
8600, Lagos


A gate sided by two barbicans. It is one of the city's gates, built between the reigns of Dom Manuel I and Dom Filipe I. It was built together with walls, for military and safety purposes.

Centro Histórico de Lagos

  • heritage

8600, Lagos

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