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Centro Cultural de Pombal

  • art

Praça Marquês de Pombal
3100-440, Pombal


A 1700s building whose construction was orred by the Marquis of Pombal. It houses the Cultural Centre of Pombal. On the ground floor, it houses the Museum of Portuguese Popular Art and, on the upper floor, reuinions, seminars, conferences and exhibitions, among others.

Praça de Touros de Abiúl

  • heritage

Rua da Praça de Touros
3100-012, Abiul


The oldest bullfighting arena in the country. It has 5000 seats.

Auditório Municipal de Pombal

  • art

Largo da Biblioteca
3100, Pombal


A space that welcomes music and theatre performances, cinema and many other cultural activities.

Percurso Pedestre Ereiras

  • country

Rua da Tapada
3100, Vale


A pedestrian trail that is about twelve kilometres long. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

Percurso Pedestre do Vale

  • country

Rua Principal (CM 1022)
3105, Ereiras


A pedestrian trail that is twelve kilometres long. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

Percurso Pedestre do Vale

  • country

Rua da Lameira
3100, Caseirinhos


A pedestrian trail that is about four kilometres long, with a wide variety of plants and animals. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

Percurso Pedestre de Redinha

  • country

Pousadas Vedras
3105, Pousadas Vedras


A pedestrian trail that is about ten kilometres long. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

Percurso Pedestre de Redinha

  • country

Rua da Lameira
3100, Caseirinhos


A pedestrian trail that is about thirty kilometres long, with a wide variety of plants and animals. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

Percurso Pedestre de Eiras

  • country

Pousadas Vedras
3105, Pousadas Vedras


A pedestrian trail that is about thirty kilometres long, with a wide variety of plants and animals. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

Percurso Pedestre das Pousadas Vedras

  • country

Rua Principal (CM 1022)
3105, Ereiras


A pedestrian trail that is about four kilometres long, with a wide variety of plants and animals. It belongs to the Great Route 26.

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