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IC 1
7570, Grândola



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IC 1
7570, Grândola



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Rua Detrás dos Quintais
7570, Melides


Olaria de Melides

  • leisure

Rua da Fonte
7570, Melides


Em Melides a olaria tem destaque no artesanato desta região. Os trabalhos são, na generalidade, figurativos.

Percursos Pedestres da Serra de Grândola

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EN 120
7570, Santa Margarida da Serra


The Serra de Grândola is very popular for hiking and for sports. Ecological and landscape value contributes to this demand.

Cadeiras com Fundo de Palhinha de Grândola

  • leisure

7570, Grândola


Em Grândola são feitas cadeiras, na cor natural da madeira, que pode ser: pinho, amieiro ou choupo. Têm grande perfeição de empalhamento, sendo utilizados a tábua ou buinho, plantas herbáceas que nascem em Portugal de forma espontânea. Em Grândola, na Zona do Alentejo, são feitas cadeiras de forma idêntica.

Cachimbos Esculpidos de Canal Caveira

  • leisure

Canal Caveira
7570, Canal Caveira


The shepherds of the Alentejo region are known as "artist sculptors". The pipes carved on olive tree wood ar an example of this art. Usually, they represent animals.

Praia do Pinheirinho

  • beach

Praia do Pinheirinho
7570, Pinheirinho


Access to this beach is only possible by Jeep or on foot. It is located about four kilometers from the national highway, being a beach practically deserted.

Serra de Grândola

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Serra de Grândola
7570, Grândola


The Mountain belongs to the Old Massif to the South of the Tejo and occupies the regions of Grândola and Santiago do Cacém. It has its highest peak at the Cume da Atalaia whre one can find the imposing ruins of the Church of Our Lady of Livramento. From the mountain one can view the ocean and the planes of the Alentejo region. It is 20 km long.

Lagoa de Sancha

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Lagoa de Sancha
7570, Sancha


Privileged place for migratory birds, filled with reeds and other vegetation typical of swamps. It houses part of the population of the Lagoa de Santo André, most notably the Red-billed duck, facing extinction. Is situated in a place of difficult access, and is separated from the beach by a cordon of dunes.

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