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Centro Náutico da Fontela

  • beach
  • leisure

EM 600
3080-641, Vila Verde

Figueira da Foz

The Pavilion Severo da Silva Banda lies on the Bank of the Mondego, with a balcony over the River, stairs and ramp. The ideal place to learn to row and follow in the footsteps of many champions that began here.

Apeadeiro de Alhadas

  • heritage

Rua das Quintas
3090, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz

Apeadeiro de Fontela-A

  • heritage

Rua do Apeadeiro
3090, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz

Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa - Núcleo da Figueira da Foz

  • utilities

Praceta Coronel Alves de Sousa
3080-184, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz

Lago de Casais

  • beach
  • country

Lago de Casais
3090, Maiorca

Figueira da Foz

Mata Nacional de Foja

  • country
  • leisure

EM 581
3090, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz

The Foja Woods are national heritage that spread along about 3700 hectares of pine trees, cork trees and eucaliptus trees, where many animal species live, namely the rabbit, the wild duck, the heron and the partridge.

Lagoa das Queridas

  • beach
  • country

Lagoa das Queridas
3090, Queridas

Figueira da Foz

A quite beautiful lagoon located at Queridas. The lagoon, so it seems, was not the result of a natural process. Some unusual plants and animals surround it.

Mata Nacional das Dunas de Quiaios

  • country
  • leisure

Estrada Florestal 1
3080, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz

The Mata das Dunas de Quiaios (Quiaios Dunes Woods) is 12 km long and about 5 km wide. The pine trees cover more than six thousand hectares.

Igreja de São Miguel

  • heritage

Rua do Centro Cultural
3090, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz

Capela da Costa de Lavos

  • heritage

Rua da Terra
3090, Figueira da Foz

Figueira da Foz
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