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Campo de Futebol de Marmeleira do Botão

  • leisure

Rua do Goivo (EN 1137)
3020-772, Coimbra


Football field fenced and with artificial lighting.

Campo de Futebol de Souselas

  • leisure

Rua Parque Desportivo
3020-872, Coimbra


Simple soccer field with dirt floors and artificial lighting.

Campo do Calvário de Souselas

  • leisure

Rua Vale São Pedro (EN 1137)
3020-888, Coimbra


Campo Ramos de Carvalho

  • leisure

Rua da Fonte
3000, Coimbra


Football field sealed with dirt floors and artificial lighting.

Polidesportivo de Trouxemil

  • leisure

Rua da Nossa Senhora das Neves
3025, Coimbra


Multi-sport synthetic floor sealed enclosure, markings for various modes and artificial lighting.

Polidesportivo de Antuzede

  • leisure

Rua da Raposeira
3025, Coimbra


Enclosure sealed cement flooring MultiSport, countertops and artificial lighting.

Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo António Madeira Teixeira

  • leisure

Rua Campo de Futebol
3025, Coimbra


Pavilion closed with conditions to practice various sports. Belongs to Grupo Desportivo das Almas.

Pavilhão Álvaro F. Simões Torres

  • leisure

Rua da Orvieira
3045-440, Coimbra


Small enclosure with conditions to practice various sports.

Elevador de Coimbra

  • heritage

Rua Padre António Vieira
3000-315, Coimbra


Núcleo da Cidade Muralhada

  • heritage

Rua Fernandes Tomás
3000-167, Coimbra


Space located on the Tower of Almedina, which allows visitors to discover the medieval city of Coimbra. In its interpretive center, you can see a model of the medieval town and, on the top floor, you can get a magnificent view over the whole city.

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