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O Claustro

  • food & drink

Calçada de Santa Isabel, 91 - 93
3040-270, Coimbra


Room very cozy, with stone walls full of photographic works. These exposures allow hobbyists and professionals expose their work.


  • food & drink

Rua Quebra Costas, 45 - 49
3000-340, Coimbra


Attractive space with an interesting musical selection. There are also photography and painting exhibitions.

Santa Clara Galeria-Bar

  • food & drink

Rua António Augusto Gonçalves, 67
3040-241, Coimbra


Space opened in 1993, working as bar and art gallery, exhibiting collections of painting, sculpture and jewelry design. The bar has two different environments, with a room on the ground floor and another in the basement. In winter it offers a cosy tiled stove and, in summer, a summer terrace.

Parque de Santa Cruz ou Jardim da Sereia

  • country
  • leisure

Praça da República
3000, Coimbra


Also known as Jardim da Sereia, was once part of the fence of the monastery of Santa Cruz and dates back to the 18th century. The entrance to the Garden is through a triumphal arch, surmounted by three statues representing faith, hope and charity. The arch is still flanked by two turrets of Baroque decoration. The terrace of "The game" continues with its scenic waterfall in the background. The source of the Nogueira with a statue representing a Merman (popularly confused with a mermaid) by opening the mouth to a dolphin.

Museu do Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha

  • heritage

Rua das Parreiras
3040-242, Coimbra


This museum, located in the monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, features a Museum, an interpretive center and a permanent exhibition of archaeology.

Largo da Portagem

  • shopping

Largo da Portagem
3000-337, Coimbra


Small garden-like square, with several commercial establishments around it. At the centre rises a statue paying homage to Joaquim António de Aguiar.

Museu da Ciência

  • heritage

Largo Marquês de Pombal
3000-272, Coimbra


The Science Museum of the University of Coimbra, located in the refurbished building of "Lab Chimico", of neoclassical style, is an interactive space that seeks to make known the science the public of all ages, from the collections of scientific instruments at the University of Coimbra. Waiting for you are many objects which tell different stories and curious, stories that will awaken in them the desire to learn even more. With the help of a team of highly qualified monitors, will be able to discover the exhibitions and original and creative educational activities that help meet the science in a …

Museu Municipal de Coimbra - Colecção Louzã Henriques

  • heritage

Couraça da Estrela
3000-433, Coimbra


This collection features three different manifestations of traditional culture of the city of Coimbra: Fado, the bonfires of Saint John and the Pilgrimage of the Holy Spirit. In the exhibition "The chordophones Louzã Henriques collection" is part of a collection of musical instruments from the doctor Louzã Henriques.

Pavilhão Centro de Portugal

  • art

Avenida da Lousã - Parque Verde do Mondego
3000, Coimbra


A pavilion created by the architects Siza Vieira and Souto Moura to welcome exhibitions and performances.

Mata Nacional de Vale de Canas

  • country
  • leisure

Rua Relva de Água
3030, Coimbra


A space with around 16 hectares, mostly with eucaliptus trees. In the summer of 2005 there was a raging fire and it is currently being reforested.

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