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  • food & drink

Rua de Santa Clara - Hotel Dom Luís
3040-091, Coimbra


Restaurant located in a quiet spot with a lovely panoramic view.

Pizzaria Silvano

  • food & drink

Avenida Fernão de Magalhães, 614
3000-174, Coimbra


The traditional Portuguese cuisine, presented in a friendly place with an efficient service. Affordable prices.


  • food & drink

Rua da Barraca, 5
3020-923, Coimbra


Rustic and simple space, located on the ground floor of a Villa, serving Portuguese cuisine. Features a nice terrace.


  • food & drink

Rua Santiago, 40
3045-442, Coimbra


Simple and familiar space, located on the ground floor of a Villa, serving traditional Portuguese cuisine. Features a small terrace.


  • food & drink

Rua de Sota, 9-11 - Hotel Vitória
3000-392, Coimbra


Pleasant place offering traditional Portuguese cuisine.

Kang Le 2

  • food & drink

Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 73
3000-090, Coimbra


Chinese restaurant decorated with oriental motifs.

Fangas - Mercearia & Bar

  • food & drink

Rua Fernandes Tomás, 45-49
3000-168, Coimbra


Fangas restaurant-grocery store is located in Bar & Coimbra. Regardless of how ranks, the Fangas offers various possibilities for a light meal, duly accompanied by a glass of wine or sangria praised the House. Creativity runs in the kitchen, where they arrive more traditional perdições and other more contemporary. Only eight tables, and should reserve. The price, this depends of gluttony ...


  • food & drink

Avenida Emídio Navarro - Parque Doutor Manuel Braga
3000-150, Coimbra


Italian food restaurant with a lovely view of the river.

Calado & Calado

  • food & drink

Rua da Sota, 14-16
3000-392, Coimbra


Place with a typical decoration, including glazed tiles and ancient crockery exhibited. It offers regional recipes.

Adega Típica A Pharmácia

  • food & drink

Rua do Brasil, 81-85
3030-175, Coimbra


Simple, cosy place suggesting regional cuisine dishes.

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