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Edifício da Escola Secundária Infanta Dona Maria

  • heritage

Rua Infanta Dona Maria
3030-036, Coimbra


Edifício da Escola Secundária Jaime Cortesão / Antiga Enfermaria de Santa Cruz

  • heritage

Rua Olímpio Nicolau Rui Fernandes, 208
3000-303, Coimbra


Building built between 1633 and 1656, to work as general ward of the monastery. In the 18th century, was installed here the residence of Prior-General of the Congregation Crúzia and later the convent library. It housed the Hospice of Abandoned Industrial and commercial school Brotero and school Jaime Cortesão, which still works.

Edifício da Clínica Doutor Daniel de Matos / Administração Regional de Saúde do Centro

  • heritage

Alameda Júlio Henriques
3000-457, Coimbra


Neoclassical building of rectangular plant, consisting of two floors, loft and terrace. Initially functioned as Bishop's Palace, being adapted in 1912 and transformed in maternity Doctor Daniel de Matos, belonging to the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra.

Antigo Colégio de Jesus / Igreja Das Onze Mil Virgens / Sé Nova de Coimbra / Museu de História Natural

  • heritage

Largo Feira dos Estudantes
3000-213, Coimbra


Building constructed in the 16th century, initially working as a College of the society of Jesus. Had a rectangular structure, with a church in the Center and four courtyards around. The various reforms over the years provided the features of Mannerist, Baroque architecture, and may still be noted some details pombalinos. Currently, it houses the seat of the Bishopric of Coimbra and the Geological and mineralogical museum\/Museum of Physics\/Museum of zoology.

Posto de Atendimento de Almedina

  • utilities

Rua Fernandes Tomás, 82
3000-167, Coimbra


Junta de Freguesia de São Martinho do Bispo e Ribeira de Frades

  • utilities

Rua Principal de Bencanta
3045-382, Coimbra


Junta de Freguesia de Santo António dos Olivais

  • utilities

Rua Flávio Rodrigues, 21
3000-550, Coimbra


O Pátio

  • food & drink

Pátio da Inquisição, 26
3000-221, Coimbra


Restaurant with a menu suggesting the traditional Portuguese cuisine.

Pizzaria Toscana

  • food & drink

Avenida Urbano Duarte, 6
3030-215, Coimbra


House devoted to the Italian gastronomy.

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