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Centro Histórico de Coimbra

  • heritage

3000, Coimbra


The old town of Coimbra is characterized by narrow streets and steep, leading to the top of the Hill, where the city originated. Start on the street Ferreira Borges, where the Arco de Almedina mark the limits of the old city. Climbing the steps of the street of the coast, you will find the arc and the Palace Sub Laths, 16th century work of João de Rouen. A little further, Anto Tower marks the memory of poet António Nobre. In the middle of the slope, fascination with the beautiful view over the city. Around the street of Coutinhos, will come …

Mosteiro de São Jorge de Milreus / Escola Universitária Vasco da Gama

  • heritage

Castelo Viegas
3040, Coimbra


This Monastery from the Order of Canons Regular from Augustinian Rule is composed by several buildings: door, dormitory, dining hall, kitchen, storage, cellar and workshop, all of them are developed around a cloister and two yards. It is worthy to mention some ensemble of baroque glazed tiles located in the Church and on the Chapter Room and the cloister with its typical architecture from the Order of Canons Regular from Augustinian Rule.

Instituto Universitário Justiça e Paz

  • heritage

Rua Couraça de Lisboa, 30
3000-434, Coimbra


Paço de Sobre-Ribas / Instituto de Arqueologia da Universidade de Coimbra

  • heritage

Rua de Sobre-Ribas, 35
3000-395, Coimbra


Cinquentist palace sited at the Coimbra wall, between the Almedina Arch and the Anto Tower. It includes the Casa de Baixo (Institute) and the Casa de Cima (private). Adapted from a medieval tower, it has an interior organization close to the Middle Ages buildings. Outside is the magnificent manueline portal, which is now used as an entrance to the University of Coimbra Archaeology Institute.

Edifício do Colégio Apostólico da Imaculada Conceição / Colégio de Cernache

  • heritage

Rua da Mesura
3040, Coimbra


High school opened in 1955, currently keeping the same functions.

Edifício do Colégio de São José dos Marianos/ Colégio das Ursulinas/ Hospital Militar Regional

  • heritage

Rua Vandelli, 2
3000-405, Coimbra


Group of buildings comprising the old high school, Church and mortuary chapel. The College began to be built in 1606, belonging then to the carmelitos barefoot. Later, worked here the infantry regiment 35 and the temporary Military Hospital wards. The latter is still installed in this building.

Edifício do Colégio de Santo António da Pedreira/ Casa da Infância Doutor Elysio de Moura / Casa-Museu Elysio de Moura

  • heritage

Rua do Doutor Guilherme Moreira, 22
3000-435, Coimbra


Former College founded in 1602 by the Franciscan province of St. Anthony of the observance. In 1834, with the extinction of the religious orders, was abandoned, and later retired.

Edifício da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra

  • heritage

Rua Larga, 2
3000-370, Coimbra


Where building works the Faculty of medicine, resulting from the reform of the New State to the University City of Coimbra. The building develops a square formed by four bodies, with interior patio and roofs of two, three and four waters.

Edifício da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra

  • heritage

Largo da Porta Férrea
3000-370, Coimbra


Building resulting from the reform of the New State to the University City of Coimbra. Consists of a quadrangular plant with seven floors, organized around a central space.

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