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Capela de Santa Ana

  • heritage

Rua 15 de Agosto
3045-423, Coimbra


Mannerist Chapel of longitudinal plant, consisting of a nave and a chancel. It was probably built in 1666, suffering works in 1799 (triumphal arch construction) and in 2005 (replacing the wooden ceilings and the floor for ceramic mosaic). In the interior, especially the triumphal arch.

Capela de São Tomé

  • heritage

Rua de São Tomé
3040, Coimbra


Vernacular chapel with a longitudinal plan, consisting of a nave, a chancel and a vestry located near. It is believed that it was built in 1877, the date entered in the portal, suffering after several transformations.

Capela de São Sebastião

  • heritage

Rua Frei Francisco Macedo
3020-521, Coimbra


Simple Chapel of longitudinal plant, consisting of a nave and a chancel, with gable roof coverage. The date of construction of the Chapel, knowing only that predates the 1721.

Capela de Santo Amaro

  • heritage

3040, Coimbra


A 16th century chapel of longitudinal plant, consisting of a nave, a chancel, a vestry located near and a porch. Features of eclectic architecture, Mannerist and revivalist. It was rebuilt in the 18th century and modified in the 20th century. Emphasis on the triumphal arch to the pulpit and simple cylindrical.

Capela de Santo Cristo

  • heritage

Travessa da Capela
3030-888, Coimbra


Probably built in the 17th century chapel, with a quadrangular plant with domed cover. The interior features two Tuscan columns, identical to those of straight Dick portal located in the main façade.

Capela de São João

  • heritage

Largo de São João
3040-810, Coimbra


The chapel consists of a longitudinal and a plant coverage to two waters. The date of its construction.

Capela de São Pedro

  • heritage

Adro da Igreja
3040-440, Coimbra


Baroque chapel of longitudinal plant, built in the 18th century. After the roof have collapsed, in 2000, the coverage was reconstructed. Featured, inside, for an 18th century altarpiece in stone.

Capela de São Sebastião

  • heritage

Largo de São Sebastião
3030, Coimbra


Renaissance Chapel dating from the 16TH century and consists of a nave, a chancel, a vestry, porch and attachments. The 16th century sculpture of the Virgin with child and St. Sebastian and the seventeenth-century altarpiece.

Capela de São Domingos

  • heritage

Rua da Igreja, 19
3020-927, Coimbra


Capela de Santo Cristo

  • heritage

Rua de Santo Cristo
3020, Coimbra


Seventeenth-century chapel which is located near to the templete of a cruise, which serves as a porch. The chapel was built after the cruise, showing why a plant out of the ordinary. In the interior, highlighted by a 17th century image of St. Peter, located in an open niche in the wall.

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