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Igreja de Lamarosa do Campo

  • heritage

Rua da Igreja
3025-391, Coimbra


Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição / Igreja de Cioga do Campo

  • heritage

Rua Nossa Senhora da Conceição - EN1134-1
3025-632, Coimbra


Neoclassical Church probably built in the 17th century. Consists of a longitudinal plan with a nave, a chancel and a vestry and a Bell Tower adossadas. Inside, the baptistery with coverage in barrel vault, for the font and the triumphal arch.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Esperança

  • heritage

Largo da Esperança
3020-172, Coimbra


Baroque style work built in the early XVIII century. It has a nave and a main chapel with two addorsed sacristies. Inside are worthy of note the carving and the glazed tiles from the late XVII century.

Igreja da Sé Velha / Túmulo de Dom Sesnando

  • heritage

Largo da Sé Velha
3000-383, Coimbra


Fortress Church, whose plant was influenced by the churches of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. The construction of the current Temple was begun in 1162, after the destruction of the former, in 1117, by Muslim attacks the city. In the 16th century, the Church was coated with Spanish-Moorish tiles. Having undergone several renovations throughout the centuries, Romanesque architecture features Gothic, Mudejar, Renaissance, Mannerist and.

Igreja Matriz de Eiras

  • heritage

Terreiro da Fonte
3020, Coimbra


Church built in the XVIII century, with two towers flanking the main front. The door is headed by the national coat of arms. At the inside, with a single nave, there are several XVIII century retables.

Igreja de São Tiago

  • heritage

Praça do Comércio, 57
3000-116, Coimbra


Romanic church from the last quarter of the XII century. The temple, with three naves, was sacred in 1206. It suffered transformations on the XVI, XVIII and XIX centuries. Outside the eye-window and the portal with columns and decorated capitals stand out. Inside are worthy of notice the retable at the main-chapel and the gothic portico of the chapel.

Igreja de Santa Justa

  • heritage

Bairro de Santa Justa, 1
3000-357, Coimbra


The Santa Justa Church presents a sober, traditional front. Inside, stand out the magnificent king John carving retables.

Casa Medieval

  • heritage

Rua do Sargento-Mor, 4-6
3000, Coimbra


Late medieval building consisting of a main façade with four registers, the top three defined by gaps in wood.

Praça do Comércio / Praça Velha

  • heritage

Praça do Comércio
3000-116, Coimbra


The Praça do Comércio owes its name to the intense commercial activity that it used to have, before the opening of the D. Pedro V Market. At the square ends are the São Tiago Church, Romanic style, and the São Bartolomeu, from the baroque period. Also worthy of notice are the pillory and the XVII and XVIII centuries buildings around.

Rua Ferreira Borges e Rua Visconde da Luz

  • heritage

Rua Ferreira Borges
3000, Coimbra


Rua Ferreira Borges spans from the toll to the Church of Santiago and, from this, extends to Rua Visconde da Luz until May 8 square. Along these streets you can find several buildings with architectural interest.

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