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Cama do Mouro

  • heritage

Évora Monte
7100, Évoramonte


The Bed of the Moor is a bed-shaped stone, reason to believe that it was used as such by a Moura Encantada, it would wait for the rescue of his beloved. Is one of the points which is the route of the imaginary of Évora Monte

Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição

  • heritage

Rua de Santa Maria
7100-314, Évoramonte


Church of construction sober Renaissance, consists of three naves, porch, narthex and Bell Tower. The façade is preceded by a porch and a few rungs, to stone, where are the two columns of the porch. Inside are murals representing Saints. The chancel is also decorated with murals.

Casa da Convenção

  • heritage

Rua da Convenção
7100-308, Évoramonte


Cadeia Comarcã de Estremoz

  • heritage

Rua da Rainha Santa Isabel
7100-558, Estremoz


Estremoz prison for prisoners who have to serve jail time until 3 months of remand or detention. Here works one of the best-known restaurants in the region "the 1500s".

Antiga Casa da Câmara de Évoramonte

  • heritage

Rua da Convenção
7100-314, Évoramonte


Torre do Relógio de Évoramonte

  • heritage

Rua da Convenção
7100-308, Évoramonte


Torre das Couraças

  • heritage

Rua Alexandre Herculano
7100-517, Estremoz


Pousada Castelo de Estremoz

  • hotels

Largo de Dom Dinis
7100-509, Estremoz


Situated in the castle of Estremoz, warrant lift for Dom Diniz for his wife, Queen Santa Isabel, this space presents peculiar décor, consisting of museum pieces. Offers 31 rooms and two suites and offers a beautiful view over the city of Estremoz and the Alentejo plain.


  • food & drink

Rua Doutor Gomes de Resende Júnior, 15
7100-550, Estremoz


Small restaurant, situated in a narrow street, with varied dishes at affordable prices.


  • food & drink

Rua 31 de Janeiro, 20
7100-114, Estremoz


Space geared towards an alternative knitting regional dishes, whose specialty is the lamb stew to Angola.

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