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Ermida da Nossa Senhora do Vale
- heritage
Largo Vitorino Leão Ramos
4580-318, Cête
Judging by the architecture, this Chapel features a form of construction typical of the end of the 15th century and early 16TH century, showing similarities to the monastery of San Pedro de Instrumentals by the stones. The mural there patent is of great artistic beauty, the two-dimensional nature of the figuration and by drawing the faces of angels, performed in the mid-16th century and attributed to the painter Arnaus, one of the most interesting fresquistas of the Portuguese Renaissance. The chapel underwent conservation works in 2004 and 2005.
Antigos Paços do Concelho de Castelões de Cepeda
- heritage
Rua Doutor José Magalhães
4580-133, Castelões de Cepeda
An extremely beautiful house, dating back to 1780. Dona Maria considered it an outstanding building. It was adapted in oredr to house the Musical Academy of Paredes. Visits can only take place when the Academy is functioning and with previous authorization.
Igreja de São Romão
- heritage
Largo de São Romão
4585, Senande
Chapel of longitudinal plant, consisting of nave, chancel rectangular and square Bell Tower located near the ship and body annex, in the extension of the sacristy. Has, inside, elements of great value as a 18th century chalice in silver and gold and a terracotta image of Nossa Senhora do Rosário and São Caetano and a Madonna with Child in polychrome wood.
Igreja Matriz de Baltar
- heritage
Rua da Igreja
4585, Lugar de Igreja
Church dating from 1745. Baroque staircase, facade and simple triangular pediment.
Mamoa de Brandião
- heritage
Lugar de Brandião
4585, Lugar de Brandião
A hill that is a testimony to the presence of the pre-historic man and his funeral customs. Located at the Monte Picoto (Picoto Hill).
Capela da Senhora do Salto
- heritage
Largo Nossa Senhora do Salto
4585, Senhora do Salto
The chapel of Our Lady of Salto, built in 1725, at Salto, is linked to a legend regarding Our Lady and a miracle performed by her. This chapel, later enlarged, was built as a tribute to Our Lady. It has a pulpit and a wodden structure covered by tiles. The image of Our Lady of Salto which stands at the centre of the high altar is also present in a tiles panel.
Igreja Matriz de Vandoma
- heritage
Rua de Santa Eulália
4580, Vandoma
A neoclassic church. Inside, a special note to the baroque carvings on the altar.
Igreja de São Pedro de Cête
- heritage
Lugar do Barreiro
4580, Lugar do Barreiro
This church used to be part of the disappeared Benedictine monastery and it was rebuilt on the 14th and 15th centuries. From then on it started to possess a cloister, a crenel tower and the frontage giant. The portico has four archivolts with ogival arches settled in decorated columns in the abacus and capitals, with Coat of Arms and rose window. On the inside it possesses a nave, a main chapel where it is possible to find the grave from the Abbot D. Estevão, with some inscriptions and with a statue laying above the cover and funerary – chapel. It …
Igreja Matriz de Vila Cova de Carros
- heritage
Rua Central de Peneirada
4580, Lugar de Quintela
A church with a rustic door of the 19th century, with a façade without a tower, decorated by a small campanile.
Igreja de Santa Marinha de Astromil
- heritage
Rua da Igreja
4585, Astromil
Whole church built in 18TH-century granite\/XIX.