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Monuments in Sintra

Palácio de Seteais

  • heritage

Rua Barbosa do Bocage, 8
2710-517, Sintra


This building is formed by two bodies with sober and well proportioned lines, revealing a neoclassic style. In 1802 the two lateral bodies were connected by a huge triumphal arch, celebrating Dom João IV visit. On the inside the highlights are one of the room’s wall paintings in Pillemet type and the Convention room with mythological and maritime scenes. In the last years the Palace is being used as a luxury hotel, but its original characteristics have been preserved.

Igreja da Penha Longa

  • heritage

Quinta da Penha Longa
2710, Linhó


16th century temple of a single nave with lateral porch Mannerist and a magnificent dome, topped by a statue representing St. Michael the Archangel. In the chancel, with Greek cross floorplan, looms ahead an altarpiece of Baroque carved, gilded and painted, with double columns and lintels, torsas. Also, inside, to the screens, tiles and statuary.

Paisagem Cultural da Vila Velha e Serra de Sintra

  • heritage

2710, Sintra


In 1992, UNESCO extended the categories of World Heritage and added the farmlands. Sintra obtained this classification with its typical and rich landscape, from the village up to the mountains. The old town of Sintra was an important center of the romantic architecture in Europe in the 19th century. With its Royal Palace, the Villa has a privileged position and a climate very own. Dozens of monuments make the delights of passers-by Sintra. The Serra de Sintra offers a huge variety of vegetation, paths and lakes and is also rich in cultural level, by the huge set of palaces and …

Igreja de São Martinho

  • heritage

Rua da Biquinha, 1
2710, Sintra


The primitive Church founded by d. Afonso Henriques, remain outside the apse remains of the primitive construction. It was rebuilt after the earthquake of 1755. Inside are three paintings on wood of the mid-16th century.

Poço Iniciático da Quinta da Regaleira

  • heritage

Quinta da Regaleira
2710-517, Sintra


Localizado na Quinta da Regaleira, e composto por um conjunto de galerias subterrâneas, este poço tem este nome porque aqui tinham lugar os rituais de iniciação à maçonaria. A escadaria é constituída por nove patamares separados por lanços de 15 degraus cada um, invocando referências à Divina Comédia de Dante. Diz-se ainda que terá inspirado J.K. Rowling, a autora da saga Harry Potter.

Convento da Trindade

  • heritage

Rua da Trindade, 2
2710-505, Sintra


This convent was built in the 14th century, at the behest of King Dom João i. Features Mannerist influences and, inside, the cells of the friars, the kitchen and the refectory.

Chalet da Condessa d'Edla

  • heritage

Estrada da Pena
2710-609, Sintra


Building consisting of two floors, built by King Consort Ferdinand, in 1870, to his second wife, Countess of Daniel. This is an example of romantic architecture with revival decoration, another pioneering, especially materials that uses: the bark and the wood. Inside, Arab influences are visible in the exquisite decoration with the use of geometric shapes.

Chalet Biester

  • heritage

Estrada da Pena, 24
2710, São Martinho


Construído em 1890 pela mão do arquiteto José Luís Monteiro, apresenta uma mistura de neogótico e neo-românico. O interior foi decorado por Luigi Manini, arquiteto e pintor de renome. O local onde se insere, a encosta norte da serra de Sintra, ajudam a criar a mística irreal do local.

Miradouro da Condessa de Seisal

  • heritage

Rua Rodrigo Delfim Pereira
2710, Sintra


Small stone landmark with two meters, where is inscribed the name of the Countess of Belvedere Seisal.

Monumento de Homenagem aos Militares do Concelho de Sintra Mortos em Guerras

  • heritage

Avenida Varão Almeida Santos
2710, Sintra


It is a life-size soldier next to the Portuguese escudo and a stone plate where you will find the names of the deceased soldiers overseas.

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