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Monuments in Grândola
Ruínas Romanas de Tróia
- heritage
7570-789, Tróia
One can get here from Setúbal, by boat or by car on the road that passes Alcácer, Grândola or Santiago do Cacém. The ruins comprise an area with houses, balnearies, swimming pools, a relgious area, four burial areas and industrial areas. One can still view mosaics and stuccos with frescoes. It was occupied from the 1st century AD to the 5th/6th centuries AD.

Barragem Romana do Pego da Moura
- heritage
7570, Grândola
This roman dam is located in a stream at Pêgo da Moura. In a straight line, it has a maximum height of 3.30 m and covers 2.3 km2. The walls have been built with blocks of schist and graywacke and by lime and sand mortar.

Igreja Matriz de Grândola
- heritage
Praça Marquês de Pombal
7570, Grândola
A church in the centre of Grândola with only one nave, a sacristy, cabinets and lobbies. The nave has a wooden high choir with a rectangular window. Two lateral chapels with tiles with painted golden carving retables. Other retables have golden carvings with images of Christ on the Cross and Our Lady with Jesus as a Child.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Viso
- heritage
Azinheira Barros e São Mamede do Sádão
7570, Azinheira dos Barros
A simple church with a belltower.

Igreja de São Pedro
- heritage
Largo 25 de Abril
7570, Grândola
Simple religious monument, dating from the 18th century, the imaginary time.

Igreja de Santa Margarida da Serra
- heritage
Santa Margarida da Serra
7570, Santa Margarida da Serra
A rural church surrounded by a wall. The high altar is retable shaped, with a steps throne with images of Santa Margarida (Saint Margareth) and two lateral niches with images of Santa Luzia and São João.

Capela da Nossa Senhora da Penha
- heritage
EN120, km 24.3
7570, Grândola
A rural chapel, located on the top of a hillock, in the wildness, in complete isolation. It has an important collection of ex-votos. At a time when it was undergoing restoration, lantz irons and roman gold coins were found in the place. The chapel has white and blue tile panels and, in the high altar, tiles that tell stories.

Dólmen da Pedra Branca
- heritage
Vale de Figueira
7570, Melides
A megalithic monument of the final neolithic/early calcolithic, with a poligonal chamber and a trapeze shaped gallery. It has 7 pillars in the chamber, 5 in the corridor and 4 septums. It is surrounded by a tomb structure. It is classed as a Public Interest Construction.

Monumento Megalítico das Casas Velhas
- heritage
Vale de Figueira
7570, Melides
A necropolis for individual burials, of the Bronze age. It stands on platforms disposed in a precinct and rectangular or trapeze shaped graves. It dates back to the Bronze Age.

Monumento aos Poetas Populares
- heritage
Avenida 18 de Dezembro - Jardim dos Poetas Populares
7570, Carvalhal
A work by the artist João Limpinho, located in the Garden of the Popular Poets (Jardim dos Poetas Populares). Inaugrated on April 25, 1999, this work recalls orality and the roots of the poets.